No no, you don't understand.
People that say taxation is theft are advocating for replacing every public service with private contractors because "Something, something, invisible hand, something something, the market regulates itself."
So, I got the impression that something REALLY big was going on in the city (the reason why the hero was there) but we only followed the struggle of these 2 dorks.
Edit: Literally, the hero came to the city and the first thing he does is a side-quest
@whoamiagain author is a huge history nerd. This is his twitter https://twitter.com/yamadieval/status/1240254750014066688
His other series on Mangadex is kinda the same, with Fantasy RPG elements.
@tamago313 Spears are superior in a formation and warfare in general.
Most medieval-history nerds will say this and the author is an medieval-history nerd.