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  1. MarvN


    Anilist when
  2. MarvN


    Anilist when
  3. MarvN


    Care enough to figure out the ID mappings for MD->Anilist and insert them to the database when
  4. MarvN


    Anilist when
  5. MarvN


    Anilist when
  6. MarvN


    Anilist when ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  7. MarvN

    The New Gate - Vol. 5 Ch. 33

    @Kalec Please go fuck yourself.
  8. MarvN


    More external links when (especially AniList) I see that this is in 'already implemented' category of the megathread, and yet it is clearly not already a thing. And couldn't they give a reason for rejecting this?
  9. MarvN

    Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind - Ch. 5.6 - Extra 1

    It's originally just a webcomic, then serialised to comic cune. I think.
  10. MarvN

    Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind

    Yes, serialised manga will be sometime soon, hopefully.
  11. MarvN

    Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind - Ch. 5.6 - Extra 1

    Yes, we'll be scanlating the serialisation.
  12. MarvN


    anilist when
  13. MarvN

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 9 Ch. 69 - The Girlfriend and the Gift 4

    thanks for the quality release
  14. MarvN

    The One I like Is My Sister but Not My Sister

    Probably dropped, because no translator. Also, I started this because I was impatient waiting for anime and LN translations weren't going anywhere. They still aren't, but I can watch the anime if I want to know what happens in the story.
  15. MarvN

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - This Looks Kinda Like a Date, Senpai!

    cute, finally something interesting happening!
  16. MarvN

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 8 Ch. 66 - The Girlfriend and the Birthday 1

    Thanks for the high quality release!
  17. MarvN


    AL entries are linked to the MAL ID somehow, i think, son they could be added and manually added for ones that aren't linked. also, AL has more manga entries, or at least, they have active manga mods. i switched to anilist because of the mal shutdown and because they couldn't approve my manga...
  18. MarvN

    Put H tags at the beginning of a title

    all of these are h doujins, and the h tag isn't even visible on 3 of them. It would be nice to have it at the front.