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  1. AztechDan

    Tejina Senpai - Vol. 6 Ch. 83

    Do not defile Madara like this. She is a good girl.
  2. AztechDan

    D.Gray-man - Ch. 237 - Saying Goodbye to A.W - Red and Mana

    Dude, I'm so lost in the sauce. I don't remember where we left off on HxH but I feel like I'd more easily slide right back in than I do with this series.
  3. AztechDan

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Let Me Return The Favor

    I kind of forgot the name of her power and why Shirota retains his memory. Now I'm wondering if she'll lose the power once she stops being a virgin.
  4. AztechDan

    Kiss x Sis - Vol. 23 Ch. 141 - Night by Night

    Is Keita finally going to stop being a worthless piece of shit? Because that's the development I've been waiting for...
  5. AztechDan

    Kaguya-sama wo Kataritai - Vol. 4 Ch. 90 - We Want to Talk About the Sketchbook

    @aeonic @Kamelpov Not totally sure of the exact timeline but this manga is chronologically behind the main series by quite a bit. Pretty sure Tsubame hasn't been introduced yet and Iino isn't full on tsun-tsuning for Ishigami yet.
  6. AztechDan

    Hino-san no Baka - Vol. 5 Ch. 59

    @Enaero oh I think Hino knows. I'm more surprised by how capable she is when she's not being a delinquent. @tducouteau Chiaki is just into boobs and (afawk) Hino is just into Koguma.
  7. AztechDan

    Ii Fuufu no Hanashi

    I have a tiny and cute wife. Can confirm this is very similar to our lives before we made significant additions to Wifey Corp Ltd. Now we have to cut out the fluff so we can conclude business before the other employees notice.
  8. AztechDan

    Mone-san no Majime Sugiru Tsukiaikata - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - The Sea Part 3

    I was already pretty into vice-prez, but this. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Full on BDSM isn't really my thing, but the spanking and the demure attitude? Noice.
  9. AztechDan

    Solo Leveling - Vol. 2 Ch. 112

    Dude, I am so stoked this is finally coming back! I was beginning to consider reading the light novel since it's completed. @Suckerforshipping I've only been on here since MangaRock shut down and I think that is the first real spoiler hidden behind the tag.
  10. AztechDan

    Houkago no Goumon Shoujo - Vol. 4 Ch. 45 - First Smooch ♥

    LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!! Tsuruse is the truth! I mean, look at her cute little outfit! Asami's dress (?) is looking pretty good, too. @goatrider Who is getting left out?
  11. AztechDan

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 5 Ch. 101 - Living Together

    @red_bean_casserole Without the (元) Google Translate says Pseudo Harem, but with the (元) it becomes (Former) Pseudo HARLEM! I think Pseudo Harlem would be a vastly different series...
  12. AztechDan

    A Story About a Totally Straightforward Girlfriend - Ch. 5

    What a coincidence, I literally just came across this series yesterday when I was looking for something else. When I thought "Maybe it'll come back soon..." I didn't think it'd be the very next day.
  13. AztechDan

    Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki! - Vol. 5 Ch. 40

    Harumi: There's no way I'd let your cousin grope me. Unless...
  14. AztechDan

    Always Yuri in Moderation - Oneshot

    Ngl I lol'd
  15. AztechDan

    25-ji no Ghost Writer - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Higurashi Reiichi 2

    @EzekielJones noice. The site was a little difficult to parse with just Google translations haha @Raffro all you had to do was read the comments my dude. Alternatively the credits page of chapter 13 also explains the situation.
  16. AztechDan

    25-ji no Ghost Writer - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Higurashi Reiichi 2

    IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHERE CHAPTER 14 IS, THEY DON'T HAVE THE ISSUE IT CAME IN!!! In the process of doing a little background work, I found a tweet that says the series will cap at 4 volumes but then says volumes 3 and 4 will be released together in August. That contradicts the artist's Twitter...
  17. AztechDan

    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 144 - Flap Flap

    You'd think after like 10 years together this dude would be over himself by now haha
  18. AztechDan


    When Tadano takes a break from his whirlwind playboy lifestyle, he becomes a mom.
  19. AztechDan

    Tejina Senpai - Vol. 6 Ch. 81

    We're not straying from our purpose, Maa-kun. This is exactly why we're here.