Yeah the misconception of christianity by the author is abysmal but I give them credit for actually placing Christianity as an axis of a romcom rather than demonizing it like 99.9% of the japanese authors do. So it's interesting. Plus the story has the Angel next door spoils me rotten template...
Yeah not cheating per se. The moment one of the parts feels it's not fair to them it becomes cheating. My example is about harem lovers justifying that shit. Just look at the character's face when they get to know they were set up for a harem they clearly didn't want. Well guess what? That's my...
Totally not my point. Read my post again.
This is for the harem lovers justifying harem (or in your case and/or example reverse harem) as something remotely close to romance and the harem vs romance comparison.
Yeah rhus is why Mobuseka is some overrated trash in that aspect. The sad thing is the author is obsessed with Olivia, one of the cheating parties, so even in Anoseka which is supposed to be Marie's story, Olivia is shoehorn as a heroine even if that doesn't make sense.
You can finish this timeline and drop it after that. Because the first timeline basically has its own ending, in a sense. Then ignore what follows. You don't have to drop it here because the Tinasha and Oscar from act 2 aren't even these two per se.
This story would work better as a ntr doujin not a manga imo. At the very least cucks enjoy this kind of stupid drama but a sane person would only find it tedious as it should be.