"they are fantasy creature they can shrink"
yeah girl you read too much manga / ln, not that i blame her i would probably have the same expectation until proved otherwise X3
they look like they are really close so if he don't call him his dad i don't think he would accept him as her dad too, thus half sibling seems legit
yeah the half sibling thing seems legit as much as the tl error ^^''
btw in passing, they are probably the reason why he shy away from the media...
hmm, sure why not, not throw out of a party/job just massively underestimated
Just the fact that he is able to take down monster with magic show that it has potential and it need to be explored with a creative mind
Feil probably never sold that stone, and it was that that did something
Nao i forgot the time frame but if it is not "at the same time" then the fact that he is fighting the same type of monster than his old party was fighting but stronger, and if Feil still got that soul stone....
see where i'm...