Given how ubiquitous the concept has become in Japanese media, there must be people who sincerely believe that adventurers' guilds actually existed in medieval Europe.
Every society has at least a faction - and sometimes a majority - that sees refugees as a burden, as undesirable, even as subhuman. But refugees are ultimately just people trying to survive, the same as everyone else. No more and certainly no less.
It's a strange storytelling choice to claim that they've saved her from a fatal wasp sting a decade later simply because they saved her from a near-fatal wasp sting in the present, but I think the answer is that this story just isn't that deep.
I wish Teaf had been aware of everything that occurred when he was possessed, so that one other non-villain besides Yuuji's familiars would know what's actually happening. It's starting to get tiring seeing him have to handle everything himself, especially given that he's not all that...
I think this is now officially my favorite isekai, simply because the elimination of slavery is the key goal of the entire story. In a genre where slavery so often is not only accepted but treated as a form of wish fulfillment, it's so refreshing to see a series that forcefully refutes all of that.
So, Lily was an enslaved child so profoundly mistreated that she effectively wasn't even a person. Will that eventually be relevant to the ongoing story or was that mostly just the starting premise?
That's a helpful spoiler for setting expectations of how this series will develop. But I actually have a different question: is there really any more story to speak of or does it just meander from one low-stakes scenario to the next until it ends?
Good grief, that's a lot of escalation and a lot of cliché. Honestly, it makes me not really want to keep reading this. It's never been particularly good, but none of that appeals to me. Maybe this is a good time for me to drop the series.
To he honest, I'm not really sure why I'm still reading this series. It's not as if I actually enjoy it. I'll probably drop it within the next chapter or two.