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  1. Roadrunner9000

    A Tyrant's First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    my guess would be there will be a traitor or two be hidden among the maids or lower knights and since the emperor is currently out of commission they should start moving in on the mc to either hurt him or draw him out
  2. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 30

    @Liberwolf and the mage pulling the strings is probably either the concubines love or his best friend who tries against all logic to take venegance against the empire instead of the kingdom and like an idiot wants to recreate the same tragedy the mage was subjected to
  3. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 23

    luckyly for the maid and the kingdom the princess wasnt the vengeful type in her shoes once in the empire i would have put any and all maids from the kingdom under surveilance and if they communicate with the kingdom execute you place a spy i execute one
  4. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 22

    idiot you missed your timing should have asked before she opened the box
  5. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 16

    hahahaha maximizing the feelings of the opposite gender first of all very convenient to only now come out with that magic would have been usefull a few years earlier secondly to maximize feelings there have to be feelings first and lastly sadly feelings got nothing to do with orders should have...
  6. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 14

    jup failed brilliantly considering the goal both of them
  7. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 12

    well while a lot of people are complaining about the fmc being starved well thats a custom from the same time that encouraged coursets to achieve an hourglass figure if she realy wanted them (imperial family) to think about divorcing her she should just upstage the hunting competition by...
  8. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 8

    finaly a female lead that can sort of fight and knows how imperial law works treason comes with a groupon: you and your whole family can meet the executioner at a fraction of the cost and at least you personaly can even experience him in action from up close
  9. Roadrunner9000

    A Royal Princess with Black Hair - Ch. 7

    meh captian obvious is female this time around... also that female should have started running
  10. Roadrunner9000

    I Am the Real One - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

    O.o look at the newly appeared "daughter" at the very least she is lieing about her backstory of being a commoner composed even under the screams of both nobles and what she says is now her "family" thats not realy what you would expect from a recently discovered commoner raised missing...
  11. Roadrunner9000

    Hazure Skill “Gacha” de Tsuihou Sareta Ore wa, Wagamama Osananajimi wo Zetsuen Shi Kakusei Suru

    @Bsreads could you please send a link where one might find that novel i have been looking but comming up empty so far
  12. Roadrunner9000

    Heaven Defying God of War

    is there a novel of this floating around? somehow rings a bell in me.... also if you consider his personality of 100% brute force & law of the jungle its not realy a wonder that he got betrayed... i mean honestly even i would have probably "betrayed" him in the long run... so his former...
  13. Roadrunner9000

    Eternal First God - Ch. 1

    yeah would never happen because the interloper would try to kill the mc to prevent future troubles a commoner treasuring a jade ring is a crime but stealing the jade ring is still a theft and a thief is also a criminal and thats a major embarressment so the chances for the thief to let...
  14. Roadrunner9000

    Maou Desu. Onna Yuusha no Hahaoya to Saikon Shita no de, Onna Yuusha ga Giri no Musume ni Narimashita - Vol. 3 Ch. 26

    not a bad chapter but honestly i would have thought and preferred if reitia was the reincarnation of sasaya
  15. Roadrunner9000

    Ikusei Skill wa Mou Iranai to Yuusha Party o Kaiko Sareta no de, Taishoku Kingawari ni Moratta "Ryouchi" o Tsuyoku Shitemiru

    censoring got ridiculous some idiot probably got a crotch and ass phobia because half exposed boobs seem to be fine they are censoring what amounts to a tight bathing suit with west just color it in and call it a tight fitting skirt for god sakes and who ever did it did a bad job too because...
  16. Roadrunner9000

    Ikusei Skill wa Mou Iranai to Yuusha Party o Kaiko Sareta no de, Taishoku Kingawari ni Moratta "Ryouchi" o Tsuyoku Shitemiru - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    that censoring should have been done better... for god sakes just give her a tight skirt and loose the stupid censoring beam of immersion death and honestly if you censor that shit then start censoring bathing suits too and gymnastics suits and any tight fitting clothes realy and how is that...
  17. Roadrunner9000

    Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou Sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Magnificent as always, Master!

    @Noobmaster69__ depends on what grade of wuxia you want to read in my prefered grade they would observe him or prod others into attacking rather then having their own forces attack him because of the unclear risks involved (mantis and oriole type of scheme) would be different though if his...
  18. Roadrunner9000

    My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - The eyeball's besides the point

    japanese manga logic: lets actively hunt down the guy we suspect of having instant death powers that arent a gift and thus unknown and have already killed a dragon on his first day what could go wrong... real life logic: lets passively track him by having people notify us when he passes and...
  19. Roadrunner9000

    Buta Koushaku ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    does he know that in case of treason the family gets also punished ? for commoners its execution and nobles get demoted well i guess he hopes that its either death or glory and in case of death he hopes that it ends with him and wont affect his family... that idiot if the royal family needs to...
  20. Roadrunner9000

    Human Ranch - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Cunning

    well that idiot better enjoy it for as long as he can because he wont live through the next night in gen pop