Oh no, I feel like the Lion it's gonna blow and go berserk out of the dungeon if something ever happens with the book. We need Misurn ASAP
Poor Thistle tho, I can't help but feel bad.
Thanks for the chapter.
It's so dumb, but it's so well drawn... But it's so dumb!
Gosh, the details in anatomy during the moves, it's almost as you can see the muscles twisting and expanding.
Really amazing art, but the plot... Oh no.
Woah. Hydro is being keep alive just like the creatures in Claymore and the Holy Corpse Maria Lancelot from Freezing.
Damn, that's disgusting.
Thanks for the chapter.
Woah. Hydro is being keep alive just like the creatures in Claymore and the Holy Corpse Maria Lancelot from Freezing.
Damn, that's disgusting.
Thanks for the chapter.
Is this the most bold development ever made in the entire history of manga as art?
Or is Ohkubo just mad because we keep stealing his work and posting in twitter about and using that person as a model? Who's that person anyway? Maybe she's connected to his work as an editor?
The true answer...