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  1. Huichelaar

    Arum Daun - Ch. 16

    Gah the entire second half of the chapter, with the narrative lingering on Dylan, I was convinced Daun was going to off him next. The absolute tension!
  2. Huichelaar

    Kasane to Subaru - Vol. 5 Ch. 36

    Ren did tell Akari that she has to manage her own finances. As far as both people functioning perfectly fine when independent goes, this situation isn't ideal. Akari does seem to be very dependent on Ren, especially so since her family doesn't support her, but I think a certain measure of...
  3. Huichelaar

    Kimi Meku Yoru ni Kogarete - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    pg 23, het jumpscare.
  4. Huichelaar

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Yutaka-kun and Senga-kun

    Kind of a slap in the face to everyone he's gonna drink blood from from now on. "Yeah I'll drink from you because I consider us to not be friends."
  5. Huichelaar

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 5

    As this is a comic, the characters end up being drawn. The girls are depicted with far more detail (big eyes, permanently flushed cheeks, suggestive/compromising getup (in this chapter at least)) than the guy(s) (basic, non-descript, perfect for self-insertion). It's pretty clear the target...
  6. Huichelaar

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 1

    JFC the hostility on display in this comment section. Someone you haven't seen in a while, but were close to in the past, comes knocking at your door with a crisis and you take them in, at least momentarily, to discuss how to proceed moving forward. That is all that has happened so far. Nobody...
  7. Huichelaar

    Namaiki na Gal Ane wo Wakaraseru Hanashi - Ch. 6 - Explanation ②

    Very manipulative little brother there. I don't like how he's treating her like a child whose behaviour needs to be corrected, although she does behave like one.
  8. Huichelaar

    Namaiki na Gal Ane wo Wakaraseru Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Rumor

    There were rumors about the length of the guy's legs? Seems very far-fetched.
  9. Huichelaar

    Namaiki na Gal Ane wo Wakaraseru Hanashi - Ch. 2 - Fox

    Nobody is saying this is proof of anything though. They're merely showing some comments from other readers without adding what they think this means.
  10. Huichelaar

    Watashi no Arika - Vol. 4 Ch. 34 - Hey! Simple and Honest! Chargin' Head-on In!

    Good thing he didn't mute the shutter sound, lord knows why.
  11. Huichelaar

    Watashi no Arika - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Who Does The Flower Belong To?

    Grah! At least call out your fans and the company for putting pressure on you to either leave or lie about your personal life. At this point, there're no more consequences for lashing out. Call out the shitty human beings that would call themselves fans, but send hate-mail when they learn that...
  12. Huichelaar

    Watashi no Arika - Vol. 3 Ch. 27 - Silent Majority

    I can see Yume learning from this to be more careful & cunning (C&C). She already saw gen-1 + gen-2 of Lyritri as her enemies, but now she knows she needs to tap in more of what we've already seen from her, the C&C. I really enjoy how she's essentially a third faction besides the MC and her...
  13. Huichelaar

    Watashi no Arika - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - I Only Look Forward

    Sure there doesn't seem to be fanservice in the chapters. I can't say the same for the covers of the volumes up to now. Not sure why everyone on the covers of the first two volumes needs to be naked.
  14. Huichelaar

    Watashi no Arika - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - I Have No Weapons But Love

    Or... crazy thought... she's bisexual? Like, somehow whenever a character seems to be in love with someone of the same sex, this means bisexual is off the table? That's kinda weird and presumptuous.
  15. Huichelaar

    Koakuma Kyoushi Psycho - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    The classic "I'm gonna state my full name in the evidence I'm recording!"
  16. Huichelaar

    Koakuma Kyoushi Psycho - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Wow, she has a retort for anything. This is like those arguments you have in your head in the shower, but somehow even more effective. I'm curious to see how the author's going to have her respond to everything the class may throw at her. Also love how the classmates are already falling out...
  17. Huichelaar

    The Princess of Sylph - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Tuberose (1)

    From what I can tell from the translation, it's love between women that's outlawed, not necessarily homosexuality. True, it'd be arbitrary to outlaw love between women, and not love between men, but it would not be any more arbitrary than outlawing homosexuality, and not heterosexuality.
  18. Huichelaar

    Uzugami - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - The Gift

    Still not too late to just come clean to Momoka and tell her Nigo is someone else.
  19. Huichelaar

    Uzugami - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Pest

    I was thinking this as well. The only reason I can imagine Ichigo's hiding Nigo is because the "he grew out of my severed pinky" story wouldn't be believed, but he could just not tell that part. To begin with, Ichigo never even saw Nigo grow out of his pinky in the first place. Who's to say...
  20. Huichelaar

    Uzugami - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Turmoil

    It's weird Ichigo's not trying to clear up there's another person who looks just like him with everyone he knows. He could just tell them he's got a twin brother he never talked about before, because he's embarrassed or something. If Nigo didn't cover up his own pinky, Ichigo could further use...