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  1. Darewolves


    @Keelser Probably this? 杀手王妃不好惹
  2. Darewolves

    Witch Guild Fantasia

    @Serenata yeah i saw that, after i selected all languages. But i pretty much meant in english. still, thanks.
  3. Darewolves

    Sesame and Rice Cake

    Yes. Exactly what i needed and more.
  4. Darewolves

    Witch Guild Fantasia

    So, is there a specific reason why this doesnt have chapters? Or is just because no one picked it up yet I mean, if there arent any issues, i might try to pick this up.
  5. Darewolves

    The Witch's Dealings with a Boy

    Whats up with the title, and wasnt there already a page for this...
  6. Darewolves

    Qualia the Purple

    Ill be honest. My mind broke trying to understand everything that was going on, so I only got the uh, gist?, of everything. But I'll say this. Probably not the kind of manga for me. But try it anyway.