@Azsy So as he author said he didn't steal from other mangas... he stole from greek mythology instead !! that's a smart one !! he definitely had us blind on this !!
Correct me if i'm wrong, he can extract up to 30 shadows, but he can only save 20 to summon later on, right ?
And if that's correct then how comes he have summoned 27 ? 🤨 or there is a skill upgrade part that was not mentionned in the manua ?
Oh... look... it's AllenAllenAllen !! The deadest translator alive !!
i'm only gonna read this because he translated it !!
Edit (after 1st Chp. read): Hey, AllenAllenAllen, where can i get the novel ? XD Okay just kidding ! chill down man XD
And Tencent don't have to make this in english ...
a motorcycle in a medival themed story... you could aswell get some copters and jets and why not some allien guns aswell, the MC is no longer doing anything anyway.