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  1. N

    Shuumatsu no Harem

    I really like harem and ecchi (call me a normie or whatever), but this... This is just bad, I don't really care about all the sex and things, but you know what I like in my manga? SOME GOOD WELL FUCKING WRITTEN VILLAINS AND MAIN CHARACTERS, this is just not good (I'm trying to refrain the use of...
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 12 Ch. 84 - Attack

    I'm a fan of Kamiya now, go die you dipshit, DIE IN THE MOST PAINFUL WAY AHAHHAHAHA DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE YOU BITCH HAHAHA. Oof I kinda lost myself on hate there.
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 12 Ch. 83 - Two People

    She's fucking dumb to the extreme aye? I am warning you, there are four spoiler tags here, don't proceed if you don't want to see a lot of swearing. [/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
  4. N

    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 12 Ch. 80 - Kyouji & Neneko

    Extreme feminazis are dangerous, don't give them power to change anything of any kind (sincerely talking they are kinda useless in human society). Common nice feminists (haven't met many myself tho) are completely different and you can even argument with them, so giving them power of any kind...
  5. N

    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 12 Ch. 79 - Hope for Mankind

    Don't mind me, but if they are already infected, wouldn't the correct thing to get be a serum? Like, the thing you study at sixth or seventh grade (I got a bad grade at that and had to re-do the test so I remember it quite well) "Vaccines prevent a disease and a serum is used when someone...
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 10 Ch. 67 - There's Only One Clear Way

    Alright, we joke around how we can die before losing our virginity here, but what in the hell? How can someone take care of their virginity so much. It's already stupid at this point FUCKING (pun intended) SAVE HUMANITY AS A WHOLE and lose virginity Or Watch as humanity slowly dies by your...
  7. N

    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 8 Ch. 52 - A Man's Resolve

    Damn, number 1 is really kinda cool, taking the responsibility to heart. And so Elisa isn't a bitch after all, well then who should I hate? The other bitch? Yeah I'mma hate the other black haired bitch.
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 7 Ch. 47 - The World Headquarter's Plot

    So UW is also a place made up out of bitches eh
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 7 Ch. 43

    So Elisa is a traitor bitch eh, ok
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 5 Ch. 34 - Deduction

    So it wasn't the bitch that wanted him dead, ok you get 10+ repesct.
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 5 Ch. 33 - Refugee District

    So, that bitch wants to make humanity go extinct at? Just saying that even if men are kinda really perverted and a lotta women might hate us, you can't deny the fact that humanity with a 100% chance will go extinct without men or women, it's a fact, so don't say you want the opposite gender to...
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    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 4 Ch. 24.5 - YJ 28 Special: The Day Hino Kyouji Became Magnificent

    Ngl this guy is cool, like, he gives off cool vibes, cooler than the MC. It's hard to have a romance story when you don't know shit about the female lead ya know, so I'm in favor of this guy being the protagonist. As a whole he's also helping humanity in a quicker way compared to the MC.
  13. N

    Shuumatsu no Harem - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Cryostasis

    W8 is multiple sclerosis that fatal? My father has it and he can do things just fine and with a lot of other diseases as well, like auto-immune disease (his own anti-bodies attack his body) that specifically hurt his nerves so he can barely feel his left leg and another cardiovascular disease...
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    Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!!

    I lost my no-boner run at chapter 18. How far can y'all go?
  15. N

    Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - 1st Manuscript

    What the ok let's go, no boner run starts at 13:36, January 24th, 2021