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  1. rckvnka

    Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 23

    Thanks a lot for your works, as always! I hope you can find a translator to take this series!
  2. rckvnka

    May My Father Die Soon - Ch. 13

    Finally! Thanks a lot for updating this series!
  3. rckvnka

    Cavegirl Urara - Oneshot

    Bro it's promising. I love it especially the art. Thanks for the translation!
  4. rckvnka

    Hen na Ie - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    I don't know, man. I don't want to diss either of you because I'm grateful for both of your translations. Please don't fight.
  5. rckvnka

    Anata ga Shite Kurenakute mo - Vol. 11 Ch. 82

    Yes, please reconcile and be a happy couple! I support the Niinas! Thanks a lot for the update
  6. rckvnka

    Boy's Abyss - Ch. 167 - The Girl and the Kid

    Man, I still hate how the author turned Sensei this way just to make Nagi win. What about saving Kazumasa and Gen's father? All the good deeds went poof and now she's a psycho lol. Thanks a lot for the update!
  7. rckvnka

    Dark Gathering - Vol. 15 Ch. 58 - Scattered Flowers/Abundant Bloomings

    Let Onigunsho rest in peace :') Thanks a lot for the update!
  8. rckvnka

    Company and Private Life -On and Off- - Ch. 8.1

    Tbh, kinda disappointed now we got another on/off character beside Aki and Kanade. I mean, it doesn't feel special anymore. Are there any other characters in the future?
  9. rckvnka

    Sonna Kazoku nara Sutechaeba? - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    I want Ichika to be happy. Maybe if her parents separate, things will get better. Thanks for the update!
  10. rckvnka

    J<->M - Vol. 2 Ch. 5 - I Have Doubts About You

    Thank you for the update!
  11. rckvnka

    Gantz: E - Ch. 61 - The great call after the lightning

    Thank you for the updates!
  12. rckvnka

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 76 - Me and “Him”

    Then what is she waiting for? Kiss :((
  13. rckvnka

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 76 - Me and “Him”

    So Mitsuki is aware that Oosawa has a crush on her (cool side)
  14. rckvnka

    Maria no Danzai - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Foreign substance

    Gosh, I wish I never had to see that blowjob panel again 😭 Please don't make Maria too weak, Sensei! Thanks a lot for the update
  15. rckvnka

    Smiley - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Yui

    It's her birthday :(( Thanks a lot for translating this series!
  16. rckvnka

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 17 Ch. 165 - Awareness

    I don't like it when the author straightforwardly turns Sensei into a villain just to make Nagi win. Bro, Nagi is evil; she tried to drive Reiji to suicide. On the other hand, Sensei is trying to liberate Reiji from that family. Yes, indeed, Sensei has a hyper-affection for Reiji, which is...
  17. rckvnka

    Dark Gathering - Vol. 15 Ch. 57 - Marshalling

    Why did Keitaro punch his own jaw? Also, what is he biting? Me don't get it
  18. rckvnka

    Hen na Ie - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Thanks a lot for the update!
  19. rckvnka


    Maybe you're right, not to mention that this one is a weekly series