@KamiKira00 Yup, she clearly said in the beginning that she after other guy, and she will help Jirou with the girl he after too. So until either of them make it clear, both will keep thinking each other still after their goal at the start.
The fuck just I read.... villain goes from rape face to begging for forgiveness in a second with MC just "...okay". That was the most weird plot a story can get....
It started nice, but then the "no kill" nonsense came. The fuck is wrong with all of this "no kill"!? Just because MC has upper hand he won't kill someone clearly hostile!?
She's just insecure about him only fall for her because her hair. While this can be used as a reason, it pretty much invalid when they finally did it. That alone show that he care more than hair.
I don't mind generic setting or isekai or whatever, this one has interesting concept, but the story is messed all over the place, interaction feel dead, and no feeling at all.
Wow imagine how much privacy data used to calculate the compability, personal information, like, dislike, daily activities, search history, income, spending habits, location history, and possibily many more.