idk if that's the author's intention from the beginning but the prince seems like he wants to control the country by any means possible hence involving foreign countries and being a massive hypocrite
Yeah, it's insane how riled up ppl got in the comments
Btw they the friend said they were a trio back then meaning childhood friends so they should be pretty close and not just someone I met 17 years ago in a class group project and never again
Idk whoever did the reaction on my comment but thanks cuz I COULD NOT find this manga anywhere for some reason and didn't remember where I saw it until today when I saw the notification, thank you
Doran: "I am not stuck here with you, you are stuck with me here"
On as side note I came here to see the comments on the chapter and there is drama in here lmao
The thousands of years of wisdom didn't just vanish I guess, this probably the first time they make a MC that actually behaves like what you would expect a normal person to be