What blatant bs, 15 needed for the remaining 6 chapters, which would mean buying the raws of the chapters (the volume is only around 5 btw) Then saying it would all go to the translator... These statements contradict, also is how many are in this group, is he not the translator, if there is editor or other roles it should be split. If its a set amount needed the chapter raws could make sense, if they didnt cost less. as for if its for the translator, its a oddly specific amount and as if there is a cap, which lets be real there isnt. Is this poster hiring a translator and 15 is what they charge him? If so he definitely is making more then them. This scammer isn't going to turn down any donation, or tell if he got one. He is using payment methods that you wont know if someone paid so he can get multiple and then just say nothing and while he might follow through multiple will think it was do to them.