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  1. RollOmega

    Kimi no Risou no Maid ni Naru! - Ch. 3 - A morning alone with the maid

    Are people that surprised by Akiho? I thought her entire deal was obvious from the first few pages of the first chapter.
  2. RollOmega

    Namaiki na Gal Ane wo Wakaraseru Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - 「Interpretation 2」

    Summary of this chapter: Weirdos: "DID YOU FUCK YOUR SISTER??? :love::love::love:" Normal people: "..."
  3. RollOmega

    Fukuzatsu na Kyoudai no 4koma - Ch. 100

    It was a beautiful touch that the woman driving the car was snickering at the whole situation. Guess we know who University Friend's mom is!
  4. RollOmega

    Kanojo-tachi wa Ana o Umetai - Ch. 18 - Shut Your OOO Off

    Happy birthday! Enjoy your trip!
  5. RollOmega

    Kanojo-tachi wa Ana o Umetai - Ch. 16 - Emotions Like OOO Are Unnecessary

    rip to the karin x iku hype train, derailed before it could pick up any steam
  6. RollOmega

    Kanojo-tachi wa Ana o Umetai - Ch. 10 - I'm Not Just a OOO Character

    The main character can do whatever else he wants at this point. ALL ABOARD THE KARIN X IKU HYPE TRAIN
  7. RollOmega

    Fukuzatsu na Kyoudai no 4koma - Ch. 90

    There it is.
  8. RollOmega

    Fukuzatsu na Kyoudai no 4koma - Ch. 86

    This does feel like it's building up to the sister showing up and declaring on national television that she's had sex with him.
  9. RollOmega

    Yankee JK KuzuHana-chan - Ch. 212 - Heart-Pumping First Date

    No need, it'll turn out that "JK" meant "Just Kidding KuzuHana" all along.
  10. RollOmega

    Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei - Ch. 55 - You Can’t Have a Fight Without Hard Drinking (Part 1)

    Aya is trying to keep the humans indoors while drawing Reimu's attention
  11. RollOmega

    Touhou Chireikiden - Hansoku Tantei Satori - Ch. 37 - Subterranean Animosity (Pt. VII)

    How was SWR 16 years ago? I felt my bones turn to dust just reading that. Time is not allowed to pass anymore. Anyway, for the whodunit, it's Aya.
  12. RollOmega

    Okitsune Gal Katabami-san - Ch. 7

    Seems likely that the mischievous love-interest fox girl is named Tama after Tamamo-no-Mae.
  13. RollOmega

    Fukuzatsu na Kyoudai no 4koma - Ch. 67

    I assume the university friend hasn't been seen in the last few strips because she has literally died from laughing.
  14. RollOmega

    Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan - Ch. 210 - Normal days, Normal threat

    A succincter summary of every girl in this story there'll never be.
  15. RollOmega

    I Became a Childhood Friend of a Mid-Level Boss - Ch. 30

    Why Haneul really uses a hammer:
  16. RollOmega

    Touhou - Until the Water Became Wholly Red (Doujinshi) - Vol. 4 Ch. 21 - No Matter How You Push

    IT'S MOTHERFUCKIN' BOSS TIME I get the feeling from Iizunamaru's monologuing at Tsukasa that Tsukasa pretends to be ignorant not to annoy Iizunamaru, but to give Iizunamaru someone to brag at by describing exactly how she's a genius. (If a karasu tengu needs only one thing, it's an opportunity...
  17. RollOmega

    Futago Matomete "Kanojo" ni Shinai? - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - The one that was wasting your time solving was....?

    Huh, figured the story would string the mystery along longer.
  18. RollOmega

    A Parallel World With a 1:39 Male to Female Ratio Is Unexpectedly Normal - Ch. 149 - The Fourth Guard Student

    I'm so ready for this series to turn into the new Tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsun.