@TNT261 seeing an isekai tag is a good way to keep me away from a story. Not revealing the story is an isekai until I'm already 15 chapters invested is a good way to keep me from just insta dropping it
@Rhin you didn't say "why are Japanese". You said "why are japs". Google it, "jap" is an ethic slur. No better than calling someone a spic
Ironic that you're telling me to learn comprehension when you didn't even comprehend why was calling your comment racist.
@Rhin "why are japs so interested in the idea of incest?"
First off way to be racist. Second, this isn't just on them. Go to pornhub and take a look at how popular their incest tag is. Seriously, it's so hard to find a good video nowadays without it being ruined for me with shoehorned incest
@LygarX that's my takeaway too. Everyone else is talking about her outfit but they definitely seem to recognize her. Someone else mentioned she may have been involved in the parents accident
@Mojo because the amount they bought, especially if they open the bag, even if they reseal it, will go bad. You can put it in the fridge /freezer to increase its shelf life, but Tatsu said their freezer isn't big enough.