I'm guessing the ending is going to be Excelia accepts him and they go on another adventure with his newborn imperial to fully awaken her and will later be joined by the usual gang plus new friends. Kind of a "...and the adventure continues." kind of ending.
I'm not really sure how I feel about the possible/future romance between the two. Its good that she's becoming a bit more human-like but I'm not sure how else this could end other than in tragedy. Its not that I want that to happen.
I forgot. Did they ever figure out how they're going to launder the money/gold that they get from the fantasy world?
Romantic developments are kind of nice.
Appraisal means they have all of the answers without having to ask someone whenever the plot requires. Super storage so they don't have to carry packs and can pick up random stuff like they're playing TES Morrowind.