Anyone from Europe ordered anything physical from Sol Press? How do they handle that, considering they are located in California if I saw correctly?
I.e. if something is listed at 12€ on Book Depository, that's all I pay and I don't have to mess around with VAT and shit. If I order from US or...
@ngkn92 well, legally it is. And by that I mean if they were to have sex (if she's 14, 13 is no go, at least here in Croatia). Not gonna pretend I know Japanese laws and it's 5am at so I'd finally rather go to sleep then look for this Japanese law. Butt it's fine.
As for dating, IIRC there is no...
@Wexmajor I'm wondering as well. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
@KazumaLee94 I really wish everyone stopped thinking actions like FBI's in this chapter are fun or interesting 4 dacades ago. Maybe it was funny back then but I really fucking doubt it.
I binge reread this recently and I...
@Kayriel I'd still continue with breaking the alliance with traitor card, though.
And "Si vis pacem, para bellum." exist for a reason, even more so in a world set like that. He already experienced firsthand how much of a dick Creator is. He should've prepared for both demonlords and humans to...
@Dekunator Same feeling here at 186. Might be because average Croatian male height is ~180cm (165cm for female, 173cm total) so 186 is what, taller than 55%, 65% at best.
Year before HS I was already over 180 and I swear to Khorne, I was 160 when I was 10 and was among the shortest ones in class...
@MarqFJA87 There are exceptions here as well, if parents are persistant enough and kids do pass required physical minimums, they'll let kid enroll 1st grade a year early. Had a guy like that when I was elementary school. Quite common for those born in April. Funny thing is, his mother tried to...
@Jmann, Never used guess-reading mode for anything but hentai manga. Why spoil it for myself.
And yeah, why are those born in March year higher than those in April? Even here in Croatia where schoolyear starts in September (and ends in June) has a "year" border in April.
@Luffylink Thanks, saw those 20/20 and the sort kind of measuring but - and decimal number was always used for diopters, at least in what I read. But number in this manga made no sense thus confusion.