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  1. AkodoRyu

    Tensei Shitara Dainana-ouji Dattanode, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu - Vol. 17 Ch. 145 - Stampede

    This is basically OPM. Lloyd only comes out when there is some insurmountable obstacle and is a walking deus ex machina that was written into the story. Even more so than Saitama, because he is not limited to hitting stuff.
  2. AkodoRyu

    My Wife Is From a Thousand Years Ago - Ch. 216

    Dumb, Japanese MC: haha, clothes. Sniff. Smart, Chinese MC: there is a change to the routine. Something is definitely afoot! Don't make any sudden movements...
  3. AkodoRyu

    Watashi Yori Tsuyoi Otoko to Kekkon Shitai no - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - The True Identity Of The Mastermind

    Those guys escalated this quickly. Straight to a proper kidnapping. We'll see where it goes, but I don't have my hopes up. I really dislike it when manga brushes stuff like this aside - this is no longer delinquency, this is a big-boy crime.
  4. AkodoRyu

    The Revenge of the Soul Eater - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Begging the Dragon

    Cancelled before it even started. This is basically a prologue, the story starts from here. I think it might even be argued that the whole party betrayal arc is just a setup, because it only establishes MCs situation, and doesn't really affect the larger plot. Too bad we won't be able to see...
  5. AkodoRyu

    Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai suru Hanashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

    I was thinking the same thing the whole chapter. At first, I was glad that they made them wear long sleeves and such, but on the next page, no one is wearing any face protection 🤦‍♂️ The artist could have just drawn them transparent to show faces, but at least make an outline to tell people...
  6. AkodoRyu

    Kawaii Kanojo-chan - Ch. 23

    Well, someone's courting death.
  7. AkodoRyu

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 16 Ch. 152 - Empty Night

    It's like I can taste the misery... I really hope his mother waking up will bring some kind of breakthrough for him, but this is Boy's Abyss, so...
  8. AkodoRyu

    The Plain Girl Sitting Next to Me - Ch. 23 - Huh?

    I'm disappointed in you, Ichika. To just let shit like this happen to you. Sigh, drama incoming.
  9. AkodoRyu

    Koi no Zetsubou Koushin Kyoku - Ch. 2 - Our Feelings

    The art style and tags on most sites are really misleading for this series. You expect kinda fluffy romance, you get manipulation and angst. I wonder if it will go more into "Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii" or "Jyoshikou Dakara Safe" direction.
  10. AkodoRyu

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Ch. 218 - The 218th Move

    This is literally "one of my least favorite tropes in romance - the manga". I hate it when they put the relationship on the stakes of some completely unrelated thing. And this is like the whole theme here. They are going out already, but no one says it, so they both pretend like they are not...
  11. AkodoRyu

    Gokugoku Futsuu no Fuufu no Hanashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 25

    She is acting like he is not looking at her with lustful eyes 24/7 :)
  12. AkodoRyu

    What Happens Inside the Dungeon - Vol. 2 Ch. 127 - Side Story - Chapter 17

    Slayers are really poking a sleeping bear, aren't they? Will the rebellion be wiped out? Possibly. But will the Slayers survive to the end? And the rebellion guys just come off as whiny bitches more and more. Oh no, people died during the war. No shit people died. But because of MC's team not...
  13. AkodoRyu

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 13 Ch. 156 - Tokio-kun Wants To Stay By Chita-san's Side

    Tokyo, my man, I think it's time to start trying to move on. She is either incapable of picking up what you are obviously putting down, or she ignores it on purpose. Either way, she's not into you. They are my, by far, least favorite couple. I started to dislike Chii in general. Lately, she is...
  14. AkodoRyu

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san - Vol. 8 Ch. 155

    The friend squad is doing god's work here. I think everyone is getting tired of the lack of official progress when, with the way they interact with each other, people would be less surprised if Ooyama and Akutus told them that they are married, rather than that they are not dating...
  15. AkodoRyu

    Otagai Dondon Hamatteiku Kyouikugakari to Shinnyuushain - Ch. 24

    Should this be considered slow progress or reiwa progress? It feels like it took a while, but it was all 2-page chapters + they are still doing their best to progress in the relationship, even if they are so pure and awkward.
  16. AkodoRyu

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 18 Ch. 136 - Gamo-chan!! Go for it!!

    It may not progress the plot, but I still can't be upset about it. It is highlighting Toro's transformation + friendship moments. Very nice. We were also missing a lot of side-cast recently, so it feels pretty fresh.
  17. AkodoRyu

    Anemone is in Heat - Vol. 6 Ch. 35 - Sensei

    Grooming requires intent. A kid falling in love with an adult, because the adult is "cool" and tries to be close to them for a benign reason is not grooming. I'm still not the biggest fan of this couple, but I'm even less of a fan of people calling everything grooming.
  18. AkodoRyu

    Nanjou-san wa Boku ni Dakaretai - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Playing with Nanjou-san and everyone

    Her character keeps being a mess. In the first chapter, she is super proactive about having sex with any random dude, but then she suddenly turns into a maiden. She is supposed to be a socially clueless girl that got taken advantage of, but she is not introduced in that way, at all. She's...
  19. AkodoRyu

    Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Noa-senpai and Twitter

    Ehem... did the author mean "Noa-senpai and X"?
  20. AkodoRyu

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 18 Ch. 135 - Hold your heart high, Hachiouji!!

    Finally, someone said it. Whenever characters start to tie down their romantic path to irrelevant outside events, I'm always reminded of this short manga: Because what if you fail? At an unrelated thing for an unrelated reason...