Nobody actually drops manga they decided to hate though. That's how Rent-a-Girlfriend still has people showing up every new chapter to willingly have a lousy time.
It's hard to want nice things for these characters, they're all kind of insufferable. I guess Teru would be better off if he grew a spine and escaped from the plot.
These two lads are underrated. They don't act like petty little dickweeds to each other about Mahiro, and best of all, they've got no chance of derailing the Mahiro x Momiji train.
Wow, that sure was a manga with a character and another character in it. Will he become King of the Soul Hokage Wizard before it gets axed out of sheer apathy?
I would actually use a food delivery app again if a cute anime girl showed up instead of the unemployed goblin who ate some of my overpriced food.
No I'm not bitter.
Remember folks, simping is a fast track to hell, especially in societies with loneliness epidemics.
This arc can have a happy ending if at least Sugar Baby-chan gets her head on straight.