but but where's the rest??? :(
Aw, I had hoped there was more of an ending with scenes into everyone's life (and certainly more scenes with the main) but I guess we end here lol. It was a fun run either way, it had a lot of moments...
Thank you for the quickness on the chapter! Looking forward to how this plays out; I normally don't like how love triangles are written in manga/manhwa but honestly the way its written here is so grounded and refreshing that I don't mind it being explored. Still, hopefully not dragged out lol...
I swear the first couple panels better not be foreshadowing anything...especially with the fact that he set the deadline to the end of the year 😥
Maybe I'm just being a pessimist lol but I've read too many slice of life stories that go some tragic way lmao. Please please let it just be my usual...
Agreed! I was so happy to see them talking it out and then the last few pages happened lmao. But I guess that's the story they want to flesh out lol...hopefully more talking and honesty to come 😅
Thank you for the chapter! Honestly I'm a little more invested on Theo and Nana's story (they're so cute) 😅 But the direction we're going with Raz def interesting...