Whaaaat? 3 more chapters? Has anyone read the WN? Is this really the end? On Novelupdates it's said that WN is on hiatus but did it end the same way like in manga?
Summary of Aria's attack's from last chapters:
Chapter 155 - 1000 pantie flash of death
Chapter 156 - Boobs Boobs no Mi.
Chapter 157 - Combination of both above. Super effective!!!
Looking forward for what will be her next move :D
Summary of Aria's attack's from last chapters:
Chapter 155 - 1000 pantie flash of death
Chapter 156 - Boobs Boobs no Mi.
Current chapter - Combination of both above. Super effective!!!
I understand her doubts but personally I think this story was amazing and her drawing style is really good. She has a lot of potential. So personally I hope that she won't give up and that she will make a sequel to this.
I may be wrong but I think that Gojo will lose/die.
Only thing that I'm surprised is that by summoning Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga (please make a shorter name...) Sukuna admitted that his technique is weaker then Gojo's and using only his abilities he would lose...