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  1. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    A woman HAS to have a good moustache
  2. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    Pictures came and broke your heart
  3. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    Sadly no. It's diabetes from rom-coms and doces conventuais
  4. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    95/100 of my personality is pure olive lubricant
  5. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    @EOTFOFYL I can share the home router, but after the bulldozer incident, the whole neighborhood is without net or tv... So, I'll just give you a kissy kiss
  6. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    If going to france? Work at construction sites, otherwise, being generally an azeiteiro (douchebag) is pretty much a great option Also, @Angry_Panda , this might be be a Portuguese man in France, but he doesn't stop to be a national treasure
  7. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    They're very easy to see, Mr. Gary'nt... It is the Port of Greese...
  8. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    oh yeah! the obscene amount of sugar makes the interior really runny and super super sweet! No eg taste!
  9. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    to me, we exist to eat good food, exercise sometimes, do what we love and work! Having hobbies is the meaning of existance, persuing your passion, from cat memes, to team rocket science, is what motivates us to live!
  10. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    Almost but not quite, still a lot of fires... the news are trying to cover it too, so we don't really know what's happening
  11. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    OH YOU GOTTA TRY (real) PÃO DE LÓ DE OVAR!!! Right form my municipality! It's way more eggy than Pão de Ló Margaride (known in Japan as Castella cake) and the interior is all runny! (tbh, any doce conventual (made in a convent by friars) is amazing!)
  12. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

  13. vmman

    AMA- ask away!

    Hellow fellow netizens! Ask this (legally) bordlind dude anything! Well, for a little description for anyone who hasn't yet been enchanted by my presence: I'm a Portuguese dude with some eye deformities that make me legally blind! I love rom-coms and all that cheesy stuff!
  14. vmman

    I'd like to make and AMA, so ask away!

    I'd like to make and AMA, so ask away!
  15. vmman

    Second week of classes. Somehow, after the buldozer incident last week (it cut a connection...

    Second week of classes. Somehow, after the buldozer incident last week (it cut a connection wire, the whole road was left without internet or television) I ended up with a new phone (thanks mom and dad!!!), so, Until I have mobile data, I'll have to set it up at uni (where I'm at rn) so I can...
  16. vmman

    If the G.O.A.T tells your pfp is good, you KNOW it's GOOD

    If the G.O.A.T tells your pfp is good, you KNOW it's GOOD
  17. vmman

    welcome back!!!

    welcome back!!!
  18. vmman

    For this month...

    For this month...
  19. vmman

    Maybe I just like randonneur bikes

    Maybe I just like randonneur bikes
  20. vmman

    I love old road bicycles! The lugged steel tubing (ligs are decorations that mask solder...

    I love old road bicycles! The lugged steel tubing (ligs are decorations that mask solder points), the horizontal top tube, the crazy brakes some have, the fenders, racks, lights, downtube shifters and thin tubing! Such amazing looking machines