Its becoming increasingly apparent that mikako is the only one that doesnt understand the other 2, kaito understands yuki wants to be yuki and not yoshiko and yuki understands kaito wants to be a woman, thats why she uses "she" when referring to her
I really like that this manga makes sure that the tangle of lies doesnt get frustrating and too tangled to follow by smashing it every so often and starting over
As the other guy said, if it wasnt obvious enough already, these 3 people are really similar, and they all need to find a way to fix themselves and stop lying to others and to themselves
@Urappy "haha i used a wojak, im so quirky and different and not like the other boys, totally owned that guy by using an image macro from a decade ago"
but hey, since we are talking about words that upset people, how does being called "incel" feels?
wow so its a love triangle, no not 2 people that like eachother and a third that likes one of the 2, an actual love triangle, 3 one sided romances that interconnect
Im reading this for the power fantasy but its so damn dumb and cliche, the guy's train of logic essentially goes "since im doing it now its the right thing"
@Velsy it wouldnt just be annoying, it would be unfunny, these last few issues have been drier than the Sahara and the only reason i red something with this dumb of a concept is because it was relatively funny
I swear, if this is some sort of mind control bullshit im quitting this manga, this arc has dragged on for way too long and enough cliches have been thrown around.