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  1. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 3

    Don't mind people like that. They think holding women to any kind of standard is "sexist" "Immaturity" Uh if you're that lonely that you'd let an ex and their child live in your home with no warning whatsoever. You ever think that maybe you aren't as "mature" as you think you are? You sound...
  2. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 3

    "Even if she's tricking me. As long as I can see her smile" Dude.... :haa: How pathetic can you be? Welp he made his choice. His friend at least has a brain.
  3. TheBlackGamer

    Ouritsu Majutsu Gakuin No Kichiku Koushi - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    Man stories like this are why I despise perverted MCs. In this case it's like the author is telling his fetishes.
  4. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    One last time dude since it seems you can't comprehend dating someone and small interactions with someone. Someone you dated is someone past the friendship tier, past the close friendship tier, and into the boyfriend/girlfriend tier. It's someone you share intimate moments that you don't...
  5. TheBlackGamer

    Succubus to Hajimeru Shinkenkousai - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Good Work

    Mom looking forward to getting pounded by her active fighter husband.
  6. TheBlackGamer

    Yome Gaki ssu - Ch. 18

    Jeez can this dude catch a break. Not his fault he attracts 2 girls fighting for his attention.
  7. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    The amount of excuses you give for this chick is also absurd. You make excuses and go along with her bullshit without any critical thinking. It's amazing how much you assume I have "vitriol" and "hatred" just because my language is harsh and straightforward. The amount of excuses you make for...
  8. TheBlackGamer

    Renge to Naruto! - Ch. 18 - Quail!

    Prostrating before your editor in underwear is new levels of :question:
  9. TheBlackGamer

    Totsugi Okureta Kitsune ga Yome ni Kuru Hanashi - Vol. 3 Ch. 30.2 - A Cunning Plan

    Oh is that the girl on the cover page of the most recent volume.
  10. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    Nah you just can't give a rebuttal and have to resort to name calling instead. I personally met up with someone I knew in highschool at a Walmart recently. We had football together but that's about as close as my interaction with him went. We weren't friends we were acquaintances. We basically...
  11. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    Nah don't agree that definition is incorrect. If an acquaintance is someone you knew slightly but not deeply. Than an old acquaintance is someone from your past you knew slightly but not deeply. A high school ex is not an old acquaintance by definition alone. You can't tell me it's...
  12. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    No that's just a high school ex. An acquaintance is someone you know slightly but not any deeper than that. Equating an old acquaintance to someone you dated in highschool someone you knew at a deeper level back then than just loose knowledge and minimal interaction is actual stupidity. To act...
  13. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    "It's entirely possible they kept in contact" If they did the story would've mentioned that they kept in contact. Your making up bullshit to try and justify this. Just this chapter alone if they kept in contact the daughter would have some knowledge of him and he would be aware of her daughter...
  14. TheBlackGamer

    Yopparai Touzoku, Dorei no Shoujo wo Kau - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Old Man With Named Pants

    Tiana's hair is much shorter now. Not really a fan. I thought she was only cutting her bangs?
  15. TheBlackGamer

    Yopparai Touzoku, Dorei no Shoujo wo Kau - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - New Haircut

    The only way a person could even entertain that thinking is sheer self-denial :dogkek:
  16. TheBlackGamer

    Ai ga Omosugiru Uchi no Yandere Kaineko - Ch. 2

    Nah she's much cuter as a loli. If you're worrying about legality you have your priorities backwards considering she's a cat.
  17. TheBlackGamer

    Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta - Vol. 4 Ch. 22.1

    No one is justifying pedophilia. The fact you have to say that tells me you can't comprehend the arguments on why you're wrong because doing so would make you question yourself. There isn't even mental gymnastics involved. Fiction is fiction and the real world is the real world. I can separate...
  18. TheBlackGamer

    Mone-san no Majime Sugiru Tsukiaikata - Vol. 7 Ch. 64 - School Trip 8

    It won't. Just from the way this is written it won't. Also Mone given some actual character this chapter.
  19. TheBlackGamer

    Harapeko Oyako to Motokare Yanushi - Ch. 2

    So stating I find the MC pathetic because of his actions and his Ex a shit show because of her actions is "plain hating". Got it. Let it be know I can't criticize with harsh language lest that looks like hating. Also I'm not hate reading this lol. A story like this is something I read if I'm in...