It's the other way around,
Men were the one doing the manual labour and waging wars because they were naturally the stronger ones.
Not sure about the first paragraph, but agree with the rest.
Not that she needs to know how it's like being protected by a man, but more like so that when there's a danger she knows there's going to be someone to protect her.
Since by her previous actions she's going to jump into a lot of danger in the future.
I can understand feeling pressured to marry by the family, but what I can't understand is why even dating when you have no vision to get married at all...
Only in game does poison ineffective against poison. In real life most venomous animals are still affected by their own venom if it gets into the bloodstream.
No, he didn't,
That's why she's awkward when he pointed out her eagerness to wear the dress, and why he said she's too light.
He 'knows' she had a 'sister' and that her build was feminine enough to pass as her