You just keep putting your foot in your mouth, go back to choking on your tea
Also, it's really funny that for all her experience in seducing men, she has zero experience in actual romance XD
@lostsamurai Because someway, somehow, his chuuni delusions/fantasies actually became reality and that despite acting like doing things on a whim, somehow the story's plot actually puts him in the right places all the time to be able to do good XD
Always fear the man who has nothing to lose.
But, above all else, fear the man with family. For he has a reason to stand strong, against all possible odds.
For the hardest thing to kill, is a man with a family to protect.
It's even more pathetic that they're banning the most basic of basics... It's almost as if saying they can't counter something so simple, which just makes them look far weaker as a result.
@Kazedoom That kind of mentality is exactly why idiots like that come to be XD
They must have rocks in their heads if they think the opponent won't exploit weaknesses in real combat.
@rokazeki It makes sense given that even in her youth, it was shown she got sick rather easily. She probably already made peace with it and now she's healthier than a horse.
Sadly, that's just the way things are given he has 2 of the most dangerous creatures in existence at his beck and call... and nobody else is aware of it XD
To anyone wondering when the fun stuff starts, it'd be around Chapter 7 and lasts till Chapter 9. Given what I saw, it would have been a bad idea for them to do the deed anywhere close to the kingdom...