The only people that get this bent out of shape about slang are bitter old men upset that the world is outpacing their understanding of it and 15 year olds that think being a contrarian makes them special.
It feels like a 14 year old wrote this as their first foray into fiction. The translation quality isn't helping but they're not the ones being paid to write this garbage.
Imagine defending imaginary slavery. The act of owning another sapient being is deplorable, regardless of the context or how well they're treated. That's the end of the conversation. This isn't some shit that you can put into perspective. This is a case of two grown adults selling...
All we know about her mom so far is that she doesn't want her elementary schooler watching naked people on TV and she doesn't want her high schooler going near sex shops. And already you pack of morons are calling her a controlling helicopter parent. Are all of you just unloved?