@Jesterly The watermark is pretty noticeable, but I'd rather have the chapter for viewing with this watermark than not at all. However, please do replace it with a none marked version when one's available.
Because this guy picked it up when LH was too busy to keep up and now he's continuing his translation in parallel with LH so he can practice his Japanese. He'll keep doing it until he can't for some reason or gets severe backlash.
@Sullieman Here's what corrections I can see.
p1: Damn, I screwed it up
p2: All itthat would await me is hell
p1: Did something happened to them...?
p1: I'll go clean up the mess I didmade on the way back
@Aichan Sorry about that. It sounds right and switching to "temporary slave" would've made the sentences sound a little redundant. Looking up the definition of temporal, though, it has nothing to do with temporary.