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  1. Memuusenpai

    Yumi to Kurumi - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    @Peepoo you comment makes my day bro xD.
  2. Memuusenpai

    Kimi no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru - Ch. 6 - Jewel of You

    I like the style of this author, some, if not, most, make you believe that love will not be consolidated, but in the end they end in a relationship or the beginning of it. It seems that a lot of people say that the ending is vague, or that she was rejected and Fuwako is selfish for wanting to...
  3. Memuusenpai

    Philia to Eros no Aida - Ch. 15

    The author gave us a great scare, making us think that it would end in a bittersweet or tragic way, but it was only that they separated for a while. I loved the manga in general, by far my favorite work by this author, I still feel that Kyouko felt something for Kurumi, but I think she learned...
  4. Memuusenpai

    Sodom no Hana ni Kiraboshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Part 02

    B E A U T I F U L !!, It lasts only 2 chapters, but transmits more than other generic romance and drama manga or that turn the matter around and formulate it in 50 or 80 chapters. It is not to be cruel or something else, but I am glad that the girl was not the one who was sexually abused, I...
  5. Memuusenpai

    Gal Gohan - Vol. 10 Ch. 68 - Gal Gohan

    After seeing 2 bad manga in a row (even if they are bad, I read them to the end, but flat if it's bad bad, I drop them instantly), this reward those two lost days. Yesterday I finished Omaera zennin mendokusai !, for me they were ** EYE SPOILER **...
  6. Memuusenpai

    Okujouhime - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

    I was disappointed Omaera zennin mendokusai !, 50 caps to get to nothing (just what One piece will be when they discover that the One piece is in your kokoro: v, no offense to fans who follow it), but it was a harem that I expected, and Now this one, the synopsis attracted me, with some mystery...
  7. Memuusenpai

    Omaera Zenin Mendokusai! - Vol. 10 Ch. 50 - Omaera Zenin Mendokusai!

    I already expected this ending I don't know why, it was a good manga to pass the time I think, but with this manga it reminded me of my golden rule when it comes to watching manga and anime .... AVOID THE TAG CALLED HAREM !!. .. to those who like the genre, I do not criticize them, for color...
  8. Memuusenpai

    Ore no Himekutsu o Haite Kure - Vol. 3 Ch. 16.5 - Omake

    I loved it in many ways (ahem ... and of course they highlight one of my fetishes xD), I think I gave until chapter 20 to finish it and learn more about how the business of the protagonist started and it was inherited. Reading it made me remember Fechippuru another fetish manga (hair and backs)...
  9. Memuusenpai

    Kare wa Kanojo ni Kawaru no de - Ch. 18.1

    Something like an otome game, I like the idea, it's like playing a visual novel or watching an anime with routes. Will it be KayamxAyase, KayamaxMori and KayamaxChizsuru or another girl?
  10. Memuusenpai

    Yasashii Hikari - Vol. 3 Ch. 14.5

    That was warm and sleepy of read. Really nice.
  11. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 20 Ch. 80 - Life

    Masterpiece, in the end those who suffered found a new light and all the bad guys got what they deserved, and if not, the guilt and what they lost will haunt them forever. I wish an epilogue and the meeting of the protagonist and Miki (THAT IN MY MIND THEY REUNE AND IS A PLATONIC YURI).
  12. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 20 Ch. 79 - Journey

    GOD DAMM IT! is so beautiful.
  13. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 19 Ch. 73 - Self-Condemnation

    got 73 chapters for his due self-awareness. Shame of school and teachers.
  14. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 19 Ch. 72 - The Scars

    Finally "real" and "sensible" adults.
  15. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 18 Ch. 71 - Existence

    God bless.... this MC is so fucking kind. This bitch not deserve her kindness.
  16. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 18 Ch. 70 - Despair

    Coward bitch.
  17. Memuusenpai

    LIFE - Vol. 4 Ch. 14 - Isolation

    the school, the mother of MC, ALL ARE ROTTEN!
  18. Memuusenpai

    Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    So cute god...she is jealous of microwave lol.
  19. Memuusenpai

    Old Friends - Oneshot

    Ahhh i easly taste the yuri in this work. Good plot for a oneshot.
  20. Memuusenpai

    What He Who Doesn't Believe in Fate Says - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    Ohh she is got jealous?? Plot twist ....Hasegawa can see the red string too. I like the other girl too, Hasegawa is in love with MC, just have fear of the relationship not work and never be friends again. I like the idea of this manga.