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  1. L

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 16

    I like the story it's interesting to read, but I dont think im gonna be as happy and as excited when the romance finally starts to develop mutually because I'll always think of the og chloe i just think its so sad... edit: pls no worries I will not hate when those chapters come,... oh and the...
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    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 16

    oh good people who care for og Duchess Chloe, this story does make me feel sad, because I feel for Chloe poor thing this really might be the worst case ive read so far tbh, this isnt even like a novel or game setting that mc happened to read or play, where you could argue if theyre real people...
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    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 15

    ah so thats why she just described the snacks, they werent going to show it in the first place, I wanned see it tho...
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    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 13

    I know maybe (just maybe) he might have not fallen in love with og chloe (but we dont know that!) and might only like mc's personality but is it so bad to be gracious and care for your wife before she showed her passion for tea (i know, sorry and im really not that sorry lmao, but I just always...
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    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 12

    man I feel bad for og chloe, I think it would also be a good story if the author made this a "socially anxious girl learns to be friendly and/or be happy" since it doesnt seem to have like a deep/ dark plot going on and would continue with slice of life, romance type of story and yeah my girl...
  6. L

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 8

    she couldve given them that one liner "then dont ask me about tea if you dont wanna listen" smdfh tea=barbaric? hhhmmmm most expensive coffee -> from some animal's droppings lmaoo edit: no hate on either tea or coffee, drink what you want and thrive luv
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    Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

    may I know if the scan group hasnt dropped this? because I really like this and its worrisome when a good read isnt that popular :(
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    Villainess Maker (Promo)

    the novel has not been picked up by anyone yet 😭 has it been licensed? is that why? I 5thnk theres a lot of people whod want to read it now 😭 sorry do I sound demanding
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    Villainess Maker (Promo) - Oneshot

    somebody please request for a novel translate in the novelupdates 😭 (is that hoe that works cause im not sure)
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    Seduce the Villain’s Father - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    every time i read "social distancing" in a non news related thing I get triggered bsshsvsywgshshs
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    Seduce the Villain’s Father - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    oh shoot shall I ship her with sergey instead haha
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    Seduce the Villain’s Father - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    bro her knight is cute, ahh why cant he be the ml lmao /sighs/ but then brisney would be cousin with the supposed ml if, mc and her knight end up as pair
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    IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone

    the Portuguese speakers are thriving here huh haha
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    The Villainous Violet

    okay I know its just the artistic style (well optimistically) but the colors are really bothering...
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    Samenai Machi no Kissaten

    Thank you so much for translating!!! 💝
  16. L

    Hoshi Akari Graphics

    both main characters are shitty I guess the redeeming characteristic of this manga is its nature (??) but idk I still cant grasp it yet personally hahaha I wonder how long I can read this... (I didnt realize its already completed, maybe I actually can finish this) Thank you for translating!!!
  17. L

    Hoshi Akari Graphics - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Rain and Sculpture

    blonde girl wasnt that bad here lol she carried this chapter the black haired girl is... well... "isnt she interesting hehehe" was uhh.. annoying (sorry I keep using this word)
  18. L

    Hoshi Akari Graphics - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Forest and Flyers

    thank you for posting!! the art is so nice, kind of reminds me a little of mob psycho (like the anime's art style) but the blonde girl is annoying, I hope she doesnt take the enjoyment out of this manga too much...
  19. L

    Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryo Joshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

    if we like really bully all his relatives would we solve global warming? lmao like doing the wrong things for the right goal or whatever im jk lol