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  1. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 6 Ch. 63

    When Tachibana-sensei shows up, you know shit’s about to get sexy
  2. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 6 Ch. 62

    We’ve already advanced to lap pillow? This series is flying!
  3. NerimaShinjuku

    Shihai Shoujo Kubaru-chan - Ch. 36 - Love and Peace

    I think it’s like Hannibal Lecter in prison, if he wanted someone dead he’d just convince them to do it.
  4. NerimaShinjuku

    Damedol to Sekai ni Hitori Dake no Fan - Ch. 34 - All You Need Is...

    This is why I keep one of those red torpedo floaties from Baywatch in the trunk of my car at all times
  5. NerimaShinjuku

    Tonari no Seki no Yatsu ga Souiu Me de Mitekuru - Ch. 33

    When an old person asks you what the kids mean by "edging," just show them this series
  6. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 5 Ch. 57

    Yeah, I thought there’d be a zillion comments about the monumental Ferris wheel ride. Nope, nada. ETA: The comments don‘t return to normal until chapter 96. It’s just a couple comments per chapter until then.
  7. NerimaShinjuku

    Imasara desu ga, Osananajimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimaimashita - Ch. 29 - As The Short Journey Ends (Second Half)

    The artist has lost all interest. So many panels with no backgrounds. Entirely white panels. Enormous blocks of text blocking the art instead of complementing the art. This dude has had it.
  8. NerimaShinjuku

    Danshi Kokoseidakedo Gyaru ni TS Shimashita - Vol. 2 Ch. 12.2

    Is this a direct homage to the famous painting or am I looking too deep?
  9. NerimaShinjuku

    Tonari no Kurokawa-san - Ch. 12 - Brother and Sister

    Re: The scam, it was just a simple “you broke my valuable thing, but give me some money and I won’t call the cops” scam. He wasn’t going to abduct her or anything. A similar con appeared in Mob Psycho 100.
  10. NerimaShinjuku

    Gantz - Vol. 25 Ch. 276 - Questioning the Questioner

    “Men press on, women cling on.“ This author has no chill at all.
  11. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 4 Ch. 41

    Is the little sister belching at the end? Her friend’s face makes it look like she shit her pants.
  12. NerimaShinjuku

    Mousou Sensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 29 - I Came From America

    I grew up in the Midwest US and hugging was limited to family and romantic partners. Then I moved to California where EVERYONE HUGS. Coworkers, friends of both sexes, people at parties I’d only met once before. It took a lot of getting used to.
  13. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 4 Ch. 39

    “Have fun but don't stay too long”? Sensei, you are…. not a good teacher. Just once I want the “trapped in the storage shed” trope to actually result in their emaciated corpses being found weeks later.
  14. NerimaShinjuku

    Kusunoki-san wa Koukou Debut ni Shippai Shite Iru - Ch. 33 - It's my first time seeing such a sad-looking smile

    Okay here’s how I’m reading this. If it’s her mom’s boyfriend, I don’t think panels 3 and 4 make sense. If it’s her mom’s boyfriend, then answering “boyfriend” is the setup for the little joke she’s about to play on MC. “Boyfriend. (smile) MOM’s boyfriend! Got you!” Nothing about panels 3 and...
  15. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 3 Ch. 36

    🦅 🇺🇸 U.S.A.-kun 🇺🇸 🦅
  16. NerimaShinjuku

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 3 Ch. 34

    This chapter made me laugh like a loon. So many good sight gags.