Britain's worst nightmare, right across the sea, hated by the British public and waged war on it for centuries... where have I heard that before? Oh that's right, it's a country called France
@Coral_ I agree with you in terms of how the MC looks, but in real life regarding the fact about chocolate, I will literally murder you if you say white chocolate is worse. That creamy texture, the delicate sweet flavor is unique to white chocolate. So quit your bullshit and never insult white...
Isn't this communist? The farms, fisheries and forestry are all managed by the MC herself. And, she's not allowing any private shops, but only shops that are overlooked by the government (viscounty). Idk man, sounds communist to me.
Either she got scammed or she scammed those girls.
Also, @Nogoodimaginativename Plastic was invented in the beginning of the 1900s but they only became a slight problem several decades later in the 1970s (or was it 80s?). After that it just spiraled downwards.