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  1. MechaBowzilla

    Chanto Suenai Kyuuketsuki-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Vampire-chan and Cat Cafe

    I know the chibi is diegetic and all, but what are the mechanics behind it? I must know!
  2. MechaBowzilla

    I Only Want to Beat You - Ch. 110

    I see this series almost no where else, and that's so sad. This is an amazing series and I do a happy little dance every time I see it pop up.
  3. MechaBowzilla

    Ore wa Azatoi o Yurusanai - Ch. 4

    This is my personal hell. Poor girl.
  4. MechaBowzilla

    Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Vol. 6 Ch. 39 - Much Ado about getting adorable

    The iron will holding that dick in his pants is starting to rust and I am here for it.
  5. MechaBowzilla

    Kemomimi Meido ga Ie ni iru - Ch. 36

    Kikimora is worshipping someone other than Master? Truly nefarious this cult.
  6. MechaBowzilla

    Non Milk-Milk Coffee Webcomic - Ch. 24 - Lan-san's special service (part 2)

    Sugma is such an unfortunate disease. I lost a good friend to it. Good luck to the author.
  7. MechaBowzilla

    Chigau Miyahara Omae janai! - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    He can only deny reality so long
  8. MechaBowzilla

    Kusunoki-san wa Koukou Debut ni Shippai Shite Iru - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - With a communication disorder, friends of friends may as well be enemies

    Last chapter she had a real Evil Can't Comprehend Good moment when she was leaving FMC. Saying that no one is actually that nice of a person. She's definitely a bitch, but a bitch that might be redeemable with enough effort.
  9. MechaBowzilla

    Ane no Tomodachi - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I had to reread everything and I'm glad I did.
  10. MechaBowzilla

    I Only Want to Beat You - Ch. 104

    He is slowly being trained.
  11. MechaBowzilla

    Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu - Vol. 9 Ch. 82 - Unexpected

    Damn this hits close to home. Just got promoted into a big management role myself and getting burnt out on all the new and old work.
  12. MechaBowzilla

    Dakkou Suru Made Ochimasen - Vol. 3 Ch. 25

    Total respect the translator on this. I don't have any issues with the translation and he's keeping a series alive between teams. We need more people like him keeping series alive and lighting fires under teams.
  13. MechaBowzilla

    Saikyou Yuusha Party wa Ai ga Shiritai - Ch. 8 - Love Comes From I, and the Redder the Cheeks, the Better

    We had a wild and silly start with the dragon car fucker, but this seems to be picking up the serious now. Maybe we were just easing in to premise with a pretty inoffensive guy and now we'll ramp up?