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  1. Purplelibraryguy

    The Male Lead's Little Lion Daughter - Ch. 94

    The entire court just saw him being intimidated by a little girl.
  2. Purplelibraryguy

    Gakuen Babysitters - Ch. 140

    Was always a T-Rex fan. Meanwhile, the crucial question: Which is cuter, Gakuen Babysitters or Nukoduke?
  3. Purplelibraryguy

    Houkago Kitaku Biyori - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Let's Watch the Fireworks

    Nice. But I couldn't get the thought out of my head "Couldn't you just boost her up on top of the wall?"
  4. Purplelibraryguy

    Wan Mu - Ch. 28 - Girlfriend

    This may be it right here: Telling that girl the truth. If she decides to be gossipy about it, stuff could hit the fan in serious amounts.
  5. Purplelibraryguy

    Chicha Koi Nikki - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - New School Term

    Ah, nice to see more of this! I like it, it's sort of quietly sweet, with a little melancholy.
  6. Purplelibraryguy

    The Kouhai who Went from Introvert to Influencer - Ch. 19

    Ah! That explains some stuff about the vibe she's giving off.
  7. Purplelibraryguy

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 11 Ch. 146 - I'm Not in the Mood for a Festival

    Frankly, for me the impact of all the plot points was minor compared to how much I chortled at "When did you get that!?" "I had a reservation."
  8. Purplelibraryguy

    Oshibana! - Ch. 28

    No worries, that image is what I came to this chapter's comment section for.
  9. Purplelibraryguy

    The Anemone Feels The Heat - Vol. 8 Ch. 42 - Junior

    Stalker upset that victim isn't living up to her standards of what a stalking victim should be like.
  10. Purplelibraryguy

    45 Seconds - Ch. 4 - Vintage

    I'm not sure that prof knows jack about wine.
  11. Purplelibraryguy

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - Taking a break with Tsumiki-san

    Eh, you pick your battles, she'll pick hers.
  12. Purplelibraryguy

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - Taking a break with Tsumiki-san

    I think when it comes to accent for the spider girl, American Southern would be a mistake. For one thing, I feel like American Southern is pretty established as "everyone uses that for Kansai accent". For another, nobody remembers about Southern belles any more; the connotations of Southern...
  13. Purplelibraryguy

    Wan Mu - Ch. 13 - Palmistry

    That was a surprise. With what we know about the future, I'd been assuming that they kept on successfully fooling each other, the pain of supposedly unrequited feelings was too much, and they drifted apart. So, OK, we now have a painful breakup to look forward to, but besides that when they do...
  14. Purplelibraryguy

    Otome no Teikoku - Ch. 289 - Yakusoku

    Man, if the time always went like this the whole cast would be 80 by now.
  15. Purplelibraryguy

    My Brother's Husband - Vol. 4 Ch. 25 - Photos

    Even I got a bit teary-eyed from this chapter.
  16. Purplelibraryguy

    Wan Mu - Ch. 11 - There Is A Girl

    Hamlet: "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
  17. Purplelibraryguy

    March Comes in Like a Lion - Ch. 208

    It is finished. The MC mostly resolved his depression and trauma and got the girl; anything you could call "plot" is complete. Now it's just playing around, and I'm fine with it continuing to play around indefinitely.
  18. Purplelibraryguy

    Otome no Teikoku - Ch. 288 - Kaoru-sama's Trial Part 1

    She meant what she said. It's just, the implications weren't intended to be complimentary. I think Kaoru's met her match. A mistress of the subtle social knife cannot prevail against someone with the hide of an ankylosaur who doesn't care about any of that stuff and won't even notice the...
  19. Purplelibraryguy

    Wan Mu - Ch. 10 - The Secret That No One Can tell

    I have a bit of pity for the poor husband, who only exists to be just useless enough that we won't care when she dumps him for her true love.