i was laughing when she was like "yeah the story did change a little since i reincarnated" like girl... a little?????? alejandro literally cured his curse way earlier than he should've and you say thats a little????? boggles my mind. im sorry but ibelina really been getting on my nerves because...
thanks for the translation! i hope you continue to update even though there's a sniper on the loose but fully understand if you decide to drop. either way really appreciate the work yall do <3
im sorry i couldnt help but laugh when she slipped because literally no one/thing pushed her over, she just slips out of nowhere????? lmaooooo shoujo logic for ya
she knew that the letter was shady but she still went to meet and went BY HERSELF come on!!! was hoping she was smarter than this so i hope she proves me wrong next chapter by kicking ass or something
now all 3 of them are stuck lol this is like the classic getting stuck in the gym storage room then having one person open the door to only close it and get all 3 locked in lol
its cute & wholesome. not anything really attention grabbing since it is a true slice of life. if youre looking for drama this aint it, but if ur just looking for something cute and gay and quick then this is it.
Lmaoooo that’s what he deserves!!! Also was laughing so hard when Pauliana passed through the rest of the soldiers and they were all covering their nuts 😂
it makes me so mad that people actually reading manga on instagram???? drop the names!!! but seriously thanks for all your guys hard work and sorry these people are ruining it for everyone.