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  1. Zaerox

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Ch. 225

    man is a coward
  2. Zaerox

    Tonari no Neko to Koi Shirazu - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Ah the double negative, a classic, that's step one
  3. Zaerox

    Tonari no Neko to Koi Shirazu - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    He likes them smelly what can I say
  4. Zaerox

    Tonari no Neko to Koi Shirazu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Indirect kiss, through the ear
  5. Zaerox

    Amai-san wa Tsumetakute Amai - Ch. 24

    Actually it's a bit on the translation teams now that I think about it. Translating to "I like you" simply isn't correct, proper translation should be ambiguous as well. Maybe "I like..." or something like this
  6. Zaerox

    Amai-san wa Tsumetakute Amai - Ch. 24

    To be honest it does make complete sense in japanese since it's so contextual, it's corny & overused but she said "I like it" basically, it's ambiguous.
  7. Zaerox

    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 300

    crossing fingers I hope this is not goodbye
  8. Zaerox

    Noboru Kotera-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 17.5 - Kotera-san Running

    No eye hand coordination huh, pure muscle, like a bull
  9. Zaerox

    Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - Vol. 12 Ch. 106.5

    Lol this dude is an absolute degenerate what a legend
  10. Zaerox

    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 299

    Dude got full control of the series now, well deserved he does an amazing job God damn that last panel
  11. Zaerox

    Red Blue - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Unknowingly

    The series is over, you mean it stopped updating on mangadex? You gotta go elsewhere if you wanna read the end. Author took his time but finished it.
  12. Zaerox

    Yamada to Kase-san. - Ch. 35 - Moving and Kase-san (part 1)

    Nice arc wrap up as usual
  13. Zaerox

    Red Blue - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Unknowingly

    Nice chapter, great series, I feel bad for discovering too early lol, now gotta wait T_T Was the same for All Rounder Meguru
  14. Zaerox

    The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses - Vol. 12 Ch. 106

    Put these criminals in jail
  15. Zaerox

    Amai-san wa Tsumetakute Amai - Ch. 22
