@Zack77070 She didn't fire him. She pulled some strings and headhunted him, which is a lot less difficult. Plus he does the cooking, which is going to save her a decent amount of money she usually spent on eating out.
@Zack77070 IIRC, it's her net income, so likely after taxes. She lives alone, in a not too luxurious of an apartment. Single, no visible hobbies. 60k per year should be fine.
This is trash. Some good ideas behind it, but executed so poorly. Like [/spoiler] is gold. But execution is very lacking.
And all the pointless rape. Yikes.
@wulf69177 It's not about abandonment. She doesn't want to be a center of attention this way. He is a male lead, around whom the plot and drama revolves. She prefers sidelines.
@Kingdo Nothing to do with a stutter. Everything to do with... Just go to the first speech bubble. It's like it hasn't been touched by a human even with below average English language aptitude.