This series has just gotten incredibly boring and cliche, think I'll drop it. The plot point of her coming from a different world just disappeared. She adapted to modern world way too quickly. Thanks for the chapter though!
I thought you meant he was in a relationship with Aya at the time when they were in the family restaurant. So my comment was based on that.
If you meant that he was single, then I agree that he wouldn't be as bothered by it.
Yeah I went back to binge re-read from the beginning, and I think the only way for it to be somewhat salvageable is
Aya never knew Hikari's crush was her ex-bf the whole time, only until he entered the classroom
Ta-kun's eyes were on Hikari the whole time, based on how much he looked up to her...
Oh my bad. I don't know what exactly they read about it online so I just picked one of the first few results on Google. That makes sense, it's useful if you know what not to do to keep it safe.
My ex-flatmate got a massage gun once, but returned it very soon after because it turned out that using a massage gun can be dangerous. Not sure if MD comments allow links, but if it does, eg: Massage Guns: Do or Don't? — CoachAmyPT