Imagine being a redditor on a discord and thinking some /a/nons cared enough about you to snipe you
@Jmann someone mentioned that they're waiting until the volume release for whatever reason. Even though they still never backfilled the lost chapters like they said they would when the other...
>Aizawa says that them calling her a slut is true on the first page
>Says in a later page she was probably partly at fault for getting sexually assaulted
@abcsoflife the scanner uploaded all eight chapters, there was some drama over people adding romance tag, the uploader deleted everything, and I guess he's afraid of reuploading the rest of the series now. You can find it on scraper sites.
I immediately like you guys because it seems that somebody actually proofread.
Fuck Valhalla, boys got like twelve people on some chapters and it still reads like a machine. Not to mention changing names every couple chapters.