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    Uchida-san wa Zettai ni Gyaru Janai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    I mean... I guess it's not fireworks or a passing train but like...
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    Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi. - Vol. 12 Ch. 112 - Kazuki's love.

    I dunno which is worse that or love triangles where both leads are likeable
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    Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta - Vol. 5 Ch. 24.1

    I hope you understand where I'm coming from here but, it's not just your site, I just can't be bothered with any other site. I follow far too many manga for that, I'm up to 357 in my 'reading' and another 115 in my 'plan to read'. Keeping track of and checking the sites for groups that translate...
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    You and I are Polar Opposites - Ch. 54 - What Lies Ahead

    That head whip when he said "For making me doubt myself" lol
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    Mako-san Wa Shindemo Jiritsu Shinai - Vol. 2 Ch. 44

    I'm all for it considering the fucked up stuff in the author's other couple manga. It's kind of wild how night and day things are, didn't think they'd be able to do cute and wholesome
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    Shiotaiou no Sato-san ga Ore ni dake Amai - Vol. 8 Ch. 68

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately got songs from Mulan stuck in their head just from that one line lol
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    Inkya de Wotaku de Binbou Dakedo Bijin Ojou-sama ni Osaretemasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

    I feel like the upcoming drama is going to be her being set into an arranged marriage
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    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 2 Ch. 69

    Watch him try and walk back how he acted. Already wasted your chance
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    Drug Store Tenin Sacchan no Nichijou - Ch. 36

    Preachin to the choir.
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    Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta - Vol. 5 Ch. 24.1

    I dunno, I'd say that she's the worst girl, at least from what I gathered from spoilers in the Novelupdates reviews. Have yet to read the LN's yet but, if what I read is any true, I can definitely foresee myself getting annoyed with upcoming chapters. I almost wouldn't mind Platinum Crown...
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    Kimi wa, Nina Janai - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - My life

    At least give us some fluff in between the tension and drama, starting to feel like Tokimori with the back to back to back drama
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    Issho ni Kurashite ii desu ka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - What is Life Advice?

    Well if it does now we know who to blame ;p
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    Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu - Vol. 10 Ch. 89 - Just a Little Longer

    Oh wow, answers to something I wondered about a while ago
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    Fluffy Punk, Nakamura-kun - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Nakamura-kun and Mr. Rabbit

    I'm loving the humor and misunderstandings of this one, really can't wait to see more! I think what bums me out the most is that there's only 10 chapters until the end
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    Jojoni Deremi ga Mashiteku Tsundere Gyaru - Ch. 14

    If you can't/won't trust your partner then you should just do the both of yourselves a favor and break up. Also didn't they just get together like... 5 chapters ago and have been in each others presence since (Or at least it seems it since she's in the same clothes since then)? There's no way he...
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    Class no Gal ni Kuuki Atsukai Sareteimasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 20

    More progress for an actual relationship than I was expecting this chapter
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    Nakamura-san, the Uninvited Gyaru - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Thanks for picking this up! Wanted to see more of it for the longest time
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    Imasara desu ga, Osananajimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimaimashita - Ch. 10 - My Secret Strategy

    Right? It's one thing if the person is being clearly delusional but this isn't anywhere near that. Just being unsupportive. It honestly makes me kind of think the friend is also interested in him and is trying to get her to give up on him so the friend can slide in instead.
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    I Only Want to Beat You - Ch. 140

    On one hand I'm kind of glad the drama wasn't dragged out, but on the other I wouldn't have minded if a little more time was spent on it, or at least it be settled a bit less roughly as it was