Ty for the chapter. DW, don’t stress about the scandalation and burn yourself out. I hope your sis is doing well, merry Xmas and remember to give yourself some time to breathe ☺️
Sigh, I cannot read the official translation; I cannot download the app due country restrictions. This makes me sad, since now I have no place to continue the story and I don’t want to support aggregator sites ;-;
I hope someone keeps translating it to here, since I don’t know any korean.
Sigh, I cannot read the official translation since I cannot download the app due country restrictions. This makes me sad, since now I have no place to continue the story and I don’t want to support aggregator sites ;-;
I’m so sad, I literally found this manga 2 days ago! I fell in love with it and now I need to wait them ( with an official license) to translate the volumes before they’ll catch up and we’ll get continuation to the series ;-; can’t be helped I guess.
Thank you for translating it so far though...
Ty for scandalating the series! :3 You’ve worked hard. The manga was sweet and kept me reading even though it’s a generic HS sjōjo. It was a fresh change after reading so many isekai/noble/villaines stories, which has been a trend for a quite while in shōjo.