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  1. GoldenGummy

    Next Life - Vol. 3 Ch. 13.2

    @TotallyCrushed I tried my hand at cleaning page 4 and think I did a pretty good job. If you want the file tell me how I should get it to you and I will. If you don't like part of it I can do it again until you do.
  2. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 181 - 30 Seconds

    At this rate Yukino might realize that they are already married and in a relationship around their third wedding anniversary. They are so close and yet so far. I'm burning with anticipation.
  3. GoldenGummy

    Girl Who Can't Say No - Oneshot

    Like at first I kinda felt sorry for the guy because he had the guts to go through with it, even though a public confession was a lot of points off. But then he hits us with the "why did she ask me out" line and I just lost any emotional investment in him. It seems like she came to tell him the...
  4. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 180 - Maybe...

    Nobara being really cute here. Yukino is really pessimistic about her chances for the relationship she wants. Nobara at least sees her as something close to family already, but whether that family is like a sister or a wife has yet to be seen by Yukino at least. GL girls
  5. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 179 - No Matter Where

    The author has delayed as long as possible, but now there is no one that can get between us and the resolution of Nobara and Yukino’s relationship! We are in the end game now. I wish the best to Mr. MVP Takoto. Hope Adel is open to him after she no longer needs to work so hard to protect her...
  6. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 178 - Loss and Gain

    Can we call this her blessing? Either way the wedding bells are tolling over these two. Now we need to continue this combo of successes into the kill confirm for our main couple. Kinda unsatisfied with how the grudge with the sister was resolved but that might just be because I don't...
  7. GoldenGummy

    Yakuza Yuri - Ch. 1

    Your credits page says you need recruits but for what role do you need them? I can do page cleaning/a bit of redrawing if you need that.
  8. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 177 - In The Garden

    @SquigglesJP Probably. She thinks that if no one keeps reading then she won't ever lose the fight. It might have just been my phone's chrome app being wonky since it crashes semi-often, but I'm pretty sure it was the tea.
  9. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 177 - In The Garden

    Oh boy here comes a cat fight. Don’t see the older sister knowing how to throw down properly though since she is such a sheltered young lady though. That means this is an EZ win for our girl! Fight for your happiness girl! Had to retype this like 4 times cause my browser kept crashing.
  10. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 176 - No Matter Where

    A crazy, protective older sister hmm. I guess she comes from a good place but her method are bad and priorities are wrong which destroys any chance she has. I want to know how the sister feels about the fiance and how the fiance feels about how his fiance feels about another girl. Seeing the...
  11. GoldenGummy

    Netachara-Tensei Toka Anmarida!

    I tried looking for the LN but it seems like it hasn't been translated at all so there isn't an entry for it on Novel Updates. Will keep following this with hopes that it remains enjoyable to read. Hopefully someone sees this and decides to translate it since I assume it doesn't have an official...
  12. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 175 - Valentines Day ⑤

    YUS! GURL! SLAY! Nobara is hyped. Hope they show the embaressed Yukino as she returns to the room. Also hope Nobara is able to put the pieces together of why Yukino is acting the way she is. That feels like it will be a tall task to connect the sad face when she said "we are not a couple" and...
  13. GoldenGummy

    Level 1 no Saikyou Kenja - Noroi de Saikakyuu Mahou Shika Tsukaenai kedo, Kami no Kanchigai no Mugen no Maryoku o Te ni Ire Saikyou ni - Ch. 9 - My c…

    I forgot to say this last chapter about the comments of "he is 10" but forgot to cause i was focused on the MS Paint bit. She knows he was reincarnated, therefore she knows he isn't 10 on the inside. If she had been treating/thinking of him as if he was really 10 then yeah I would say it is...
  14. GoldenGummy

    Level 1 no Saikyou Kenja - Noroi de Saikakyuu Mahou Shika Tsukaenai kedo, Kami no Kanchigai no Mugen no Maryoku o Te ni Ire Saikyou ni - Ch. 8 - My g…

    @ker0 On the credits page I see you are using MS Paint to clean. I suggest you try out the tool "paint[dot]net". It is free while also having transparency, layers, and a bunch of other super useful tools while sill being super simple like MS Paint. You get the program at "getpaint[dot]net"...
  15. GoldenGummy

    Shinju no Nectar - Vol. 11 Ch. 44 - The Mask Drops

    @JaffaOrange step 1: sneak in step 2: find some tiddies step 3: succ or at least that was what I figure the plan was since all the girls were inside the fortress and tiddies are usually how things are solved here would have been nice if Ms. Ice Tiddies had mentioned that she had the boob juice...
  16. GoldenGummy

    Ouji-sama Nante Iranai - Ch. 171 - Valentines Day ①

    I see what the plan is! Step 1: Get Yukino to eat cookie Step 2: Yukino passes out due to cookie Step 3: When Yukino wakes up, convince her that Nobara is her girlfriend but the cookie just made her forget that they were dating This plan is perfect and has no flaws. NOTHING CAN GO WRONG Really...
  17. GoldenGummy

    Naka no Warui Iinazuke no Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    Now block him again.
  18. GoldenGummy

    Futsu No - Ch. 4

    Seems like Micchan had the hard read that Nacchan wasn't going for the cat but told her to go for it anyways.
  19. GoldenGummy

    Futsu No - Ch. 3

    Nacchan probably also sells bath water. Her plan worked just not in the way she expected.
  20. GoldenGummy

    Shoujo Manga Protagonist x Rival-San (Magazine) - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    @himeleth I like that phrase. The opposite of a useless lesbian, but at the same time still a useless lesbian.