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    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 13 Ch. 155 - Seto-kun Doesn't Understand Illicit Relationships

    Ah, the talk. IDK about my dad, but my mom was very adamant about me not dating and having sex until I get a stable footing under myself, despite both my mom and her mom dating in college. So when she talked about her parents telling her to be responsible and knowing they were being...
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    Oku-sama wa Niizuma-chan - Vol. 5 Ch. 57

    Just noticed, publication was completed. Gonna miss this but also, very good for just something to inject into your veins if you're feeling hypoglycemic if you know what I mean.
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    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 4 Ch. 48 - Spring in Coldona

    Now, a thaw has come to Coldonia due to Myao's diplomacy. All hail our Dear General.
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    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 4 Ch. 47 - Winter in Coldona

    It's very fitting that this is the final challenge. Most of the story has been her slowly and comedically getting used to being the leader of the nation and funny hijinks. Now comes a true test, one which will either make her a hero or overthrown.
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    No Guard Wife - Ch. 64

    Onomatopoeias are rather interesting because different cultures have different ways of describing the same sound.
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Date with Rio

    When performing surgery on a heart, a surgeon must cut through muscle and bone and into the heart itself to fix what issues occur. Tsubasa cut through Kaede’s shell and now Rio has cut open Kaede’s heart. I think that now, Kaede has two options. The first one is to cut himself off from romance...
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Don't say that it's a misunderstanding

    The date's probably just going to be over Kaede's feelings. I don't know if this is letting him down easily, if you're going over the end of a waterfall, putting a waterslide before the drop doesn't make it any less painful.
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Sense of distance

    This situation reminds me of the situation in Tsuredure Children with Sayaka and Kirihara-sensei. Sayaka's pushing for a relationship with him while Kirihara-sensei has a hard time maintaining separation with Sayaka. Only in this situation, Rio's fully willing to bite the bullet and tell Kaede...
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    Tenchou to Mujikakuna Tennin - Ch. 16 - The JK & The Manager's Love Life

    For the question on the credits page, go to a thrift store, you should find something there.
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    Rent-A-Girlfriend - Vol. 34 Ch. 295 - The Children And The Girlfriend (4)

    Slight character development, in my weekly shounen harem romance story?
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - Tsubasa and Aya

    When Tsubasa started blaming her parents and her upbringing for why she has such an aversion to sexual acts and why she blamed Kaede for being raped, I realized that this isn't going to be such a short resolving to this situation. Tsubasa cannot comprehend the fact that she is responsible for...
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - At the rooftop

    Aya’s probably doing this for Tsubasa’s sake. I forget who said it, I guess it applies to this whole story, but it went something like “If you’ve built a wall around your heart, it will need to be broken before healing can begin.” I’m guessing now the wall’s down, let the “healing” begin.
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    Toshiue Elite Onna Kishi ga Boku no Mae de dake Kawaii - Ch. 33.3

    Yeah uh NGL most of us aren't reading this because we want realistic and nuanced geopolitical drama, we wanna see Karen and Haru make love. Which we are getting neither of so, I don't know why I'm here still. Gonna bite my lip and continue trudging along. It's better than other stuff I've read.
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - Tsubasa's friends

    I wasn't expecting anything from the friends. If I'm honest, I thought that they would be talking about something else related to her and not her break up or confrontation. But it seems like they want to support her and help her get past this rough patch. I don't think that it's going to be a...
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    Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 142

    Random question, but what happened to the other group that was working with you? They seem to be inactive.
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Sahara's troubles

    Ok, now for my thoughts. I think it's better for society to just accept that some people aren't romantically interested at all. It's a 'grass is greener on the other side of the fence' situation, only that in this case, that fence just has a gap in it, where both yards share a small part of...
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    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Sahara's troubles

    I think it's normal to have physical attraction to multiple people at the same time. Especially if you have a certain type that is common in your social bubble. As long as you're not going out and cheating on your SO, it's fine. (Talking as if I have relationship experience)
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    The Story of a Waitress and Her Customer - Ch. 36

    Gonna be 100 with you note person, I don’t think this is the story for you to read about betrayal and cheating.
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    Ballpark de Tsukamaete! - Vol. 2 Ch. 20 - Transforming

    Was just thinking about this a few days ago and now, it's popped back up. Thank you, a month is definitely a short time to wait compared to the 2+ years.