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  1. R

    Stepmother's Friends - Ch. 56

  2. R

    Parallel Paradise

    >Be MC >literally just touches woman >be any female >*1/2 gallon of splooge eruption* How can i acquire this power?
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    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 11 Ch. 91 - It's All My...

    Anyone else cringe when the MC kissed his mom? Also, I am not sure about the direction of the last couple of chapters. I feels like the other 99% of this story didn't really set this up well. Even though I, like many people, theorized that it was really the MC that pushed him. Something about...
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    Valhalla Otintin-kan - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - A Pro Gamer Move

    Half the reason i read this is for the translation. Dont listen to retards who ask for a "proper translation". You are doing great work.
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    Ane Naru Mono - Ch. 11

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl - Vol. 2 Ch. 13.5 - Volume 2 Extra

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    Stepmother's Friends - Ch. 48

    god, this is the hottest threesome i've seen in a pornhwa
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    Record of Ragnarok - Vol. 10 Ch. 39 - Forbidden Move (LR)

    Pretty sure shiva is still gonna win. Shiva probably still hasnt shown his final form. That fire dance move is just a special attack like raidens teppou. I wouldnt be surprised if he either regenerates his arms or sprouts more arms. Also that flashback was kind of boring, but i am glad we got...
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    Silent War

    @MrMedoMan It is translated up to chapter 106. You can find it translated on various pornhwa sites. It's just not being uploaded to Mangadex for some reason. This is the one I usually use, but it has alot of ads/popups. Use ublock origin. I haven't gotten around to looking for a better site...
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    Stepmother's Friends - Ch. 43

    hot. reallly hot.
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    Mieruko-chan - Vol. 5 Ch. 30

    I came to be spooked. I did not expect FEELS. Great chapter.
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    Mato Seihei no Slave - Vol. 6 Ch. 47 - The Assembly Begins

    This chick getting molested in the middle of a damn meeting lol. Also himari's mom has me harder than a diamond. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) First and eight unit chiefs are cute too.