I get its fucking cringe to bitch about MC being a beta cuck. But for fucks sakes he really just sat there and took all the pedophiles BULLSHIT and just told him to leave? Really? I get it was the "reasonable and logical" reaction but in that situation where he was about to rape there is no...
A protagonist? Being the appropriate levels of angry and not brushing it off? In my mangos? Impossible! All jokes aside yeah he kinda went overboard but irl anyone would be that furious. His life can be ruined in a split second if someone finds out. I mean we all know they didn't actually sleep...
Man I was about to complain about how long it took to updated. Then I remembered how long each chapter is and this one shut me right the fuck up. Great chapter
Man when I see bullying shit like that it just makes me fucking furious. I took my fare share of niggas talking shit behind my back but It never got physical. I can't fathom how some people really just take it, especially from a bitch like that