the six fingers also didn't were fans of Delkira' management as what they want is chaos and Delkira even if chaotic could control anything, like he likes chaos but not anarchy.
just had to look for it 'cause I wasn't sure, but Mephisto asked him to make a country there, the answer that he wants...
he wants to pull the last chapter of OG evangelion, like all the dead morons and his family will start clapping, while he's irl clapping kyou :haa::haa:
so are we gonna get Dorel main reason being a sore loser?? because him going to attack him outta nowhere still doesn't make sense.
the king as a dullahan is a cool touch though, at least to learn about the magic beast king using Dorel and probably the now zombie king?
It's super weird because we didn’t get any indication why the king was so paranoid over Lloyd, he pretty much was made into a super soldier never questioning the king, so why take him out?? then he sents him into a possible death but instead they are just doing family business while resolving...
best description for the series
the older sister, is trying to reconnect her body with her soul as she was dettached and can't fully enjoy the MC as she instead of come back thanks to the spirit, she focused more on getting impregnated kinda silly, but author really tried to not make the MC a...
yeah I can't read the manga each one at a time, too disturbing so I prefer in batches, just here to get some spoilers if I can read a bunch again, like in a not as disturbing moment hahaha (and from the comments now it's not the time hahaha)
we need a genuinely bad guy, and the shota is that one, so until we get the actual demon lord, the shota will do.
also kudos to the author, with Zagan they didn't make obvious that she was actually making a family visit and that Zagan is her son in law.
hahaha totally
also notice how at the start he was just a glutton, now he's a gourmet glutton, our boy is evolving, he will end as the king of gluttony, which is pretty cool for a demon👌
finally we end this douchebag arc and daaaamn, Haruka's anger is something else.
Still saying she will not see him again sounds like she knows something else.
author is crap, that's why...
genuinely the nurse wondering about his quest for revenge when she was part of Uruma and the doctor friggin killing bad people left and right.
following Author’s style you will not get what you want, also shouldn't we had first the lesbo sub boss??
problem is.. how does she kill the 2nd personality and also, does Zombie girl realize the damage the 2nd personality does? and does she feel bad for that, because even if Silkie kills 2nd personality it would take the only friend and mental support of Zombie girl and that would make her break...