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    Too much dialogue, could've used the time to better illustrate the fight. They've been saying the same things for almost 3 chapters already
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    Mato Seihei no Slave - Vol. 5 Ch. 35 - Instant Battles

    @Bosbarret THey're pretty much COMMANDO units
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    Mighty Heart - Vol. 7 Ch. 73 - Method of Betrayal

    @PTRB It's simple, most time travel situtions face the same problems, which is the reader's POV is never trully solidified, we only get small bits and pieces and have to understand from elements that will be introduced in future chapters. The vast majority of people don't like waiting for these...
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    Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    @TheDevilsApprentice According to his own fther every living being has mana. What happens is that only some people have enough mana to become mages by the time they grow up. MC theorized that since Mages can train to increase their mana levels, normal people could theoretically also train to...
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    Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    @TheDevilsApprentice Wasn't the horse only frightened though? The horse wa never hurt, he merely lost consciousness due to the Troll king's roar. I don't think you need to affect the horse's life force to "heal" him from this condition. It may even be a simple act of affecting the horse's mana...
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    Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    @Dabaha I may be that red magic is the only thing his father taught him. Then he'd be travelling to the city of Magic to learn other kinds of magic, since he has no restrictions that would be one reason I can see him travelling there for.
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    So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 9 Ch. 43.1

    @Solipsist Other's have already explained but I'll give you more details. The Egglaying ability allows a monster to assexually reproduce by copying their own genetic information and create a different kind of clone as an offspring. Different because unlike a clone it can use the other genes...
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    Konjiki no Word Master: Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat - Vol. 12 Ch. 60 - Human-Demon Alliance Conference, Part 2

    @Zek777 Wait, so the dog guy is a demon not beastkin? Wut? How do you classify which is which? Oh that's hard to udnerstand right? Well, the clue lies in his looks. Beastmen usually look like humans with animal parts, being mostly beast means that you actually belong to a differenct race. Don't...
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    Konjiki no Word Master: Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat - Vol. 12 Ch. 60 - Human-Demon Alliance Conference, Part 2

    @XionXD good mentality, but I'll just ask you to hold judgement for after this next 2 chapters. There's more at play here than what it seems.
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    Fox Girls Are Better - Ch. 4 - Fix My Computer!

    "Default browser is locked to Firefox" Is that supposed to be a problem? Aside from using Google's products, Firefox is better than Chrome for mostly anything, and it's even more customizable.
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    Konjiki no Word Master: Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat - Vol. 12 Ch. 60 - Human-Demon Alliance Conference, Part 2

    @KamiKira that's why I said you don't have the full picture, If I were to explain you'll get a spoiler so I'll just say this, The heroes went there to capture the castle and win a war before it begins. And that's exactly what the heroes were doing. That's it that's all I'm saying. Pay extra...
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    Risou no Musume Nara Sekai Saikyou Demo Kawaigatte Kuremasuka - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

    Good thing "I eat Lolis" is a scanlation group, were they raw providers their name would get a little bit too suspicious.
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    Konjiki no Word Master: Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat - Vol. 12 Ch. 60 - Human-Demon Alliance Conference, Part 2

    @KamiKira00 You guys don't have the full picture, the heroes didn't even know they were going to attack a city filled with civilians. They are completely innocent at this. The soldiers however, they know exactly what they are doing. And so does the beastmen. @Monkey123 Crouch is the most...
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    Ningen Fushin no Boukenshatachi ga Sekai o Sukuu Youdesu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    @Aksorti no it's not because reach is king, there are many techniques to deal with weapons that have reach, moreover in a situation with same number of troops, sword users will have an advantage over spear/polearm users if they flank them, for the simple reason that this will make that extra...
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    Ningen Fushin no Boukenshatachi ga Sekai o Sukuu Youdesu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    @AAA1 Yes I have held a broom with the heavy side upwards, as a child I played with a it it was a spear, of course in the garden, I wasn't one of those kid who didn't pay attention to their surroundings when playing, I owe that to my older brother who commited all the mistakes and got himself...
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    Ningen Fushin no Boukenshatachi ga Sekai o Sukuu Youdesu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    @LordTartarus well they are ready for armored targets, I suppose. Nothing slays them better than a dagger. But yeah, there's literally no excuse for MC to not use at least an arming sword. Aside from War Swords or Two-handed swords, longswords are light enough that a child can use, nimble enough...
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    Satanophany - Vol. 9 Ch. 78 - Big Balloon Present

    You have highly trained assassins as characters so to promote challenge to them of course you give tehir enemies superpowers. Make them ignore biology and the laws of physics to the can pose a threat to the main characters.
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    Boukensha License wo Hakudatsu Sareta Ossan Dakedo, Manamusume ga Dekita no de Nonbiri Jinsei wo Oukasuru - Vol. 5 Ch. 17.4

    @Lohengrin, not possible the positioning is all wrong, in order to cause that crate such an enormous amount of energy would have to be produced, the mere heat generated by that energy would instantly vaporize Dario, there's 0 chance for him to be tossed aside like that. Specially because Alan...
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    Last Round Arthurs - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Lonesome Apparitions And The Midnight Sun (6)

    @Fuwasagi I disagree, Light abilities are for hypocrites, it wouldn't be any fun for one of them to win.